season one

At the start of the War of the Five Kings, the House Lannister army prepare for battle in the Riverlands, as Lord Tywin Lannister tells his son Tyrion that he means to use the hill tribe forces in order to give them an edge against the Stark army, essentially to be used as cannon fodder. He orders Tyrion to lead them at the front of the vanguard. Tyrion angrily accuses his father of trying to kill him and storms back to his tent where he finds that a sellsword in Tyrion’s service, named Bronn, has found a whore for him on the campgrounds. After Bronn exits, Shae, a foreign girl from Essos, charms Tyrion immediately. He tells her he wants the truth, but also that he wants her to act as if she wants Tyrion like it's their last night on earth together.

That evening, Tyrion attempts to learn more about Shae via a drinking game they play with Bronn. Tyrion makes observations and if he is correct the person has to drink. He guesses correctly that Bronn has been beyond the Wall and killed someone before he was twelve. Tyrion guesses that Shae's mother was a whore, her father deserted them, and she is lowborn; however he is wrong on each guess. Tyrion cannot read Shae's personality, but this only makes her more intriguing to him. When Shae starts to question Tyrion, Bronn reveals that he heard Tyrion was once married. Reluctantly, Tyrion explains that when he was very young, he and his brother Jaime were out riding near Casterly Rock and found a young common girl in distress from bandits. While his brother chased the bandits off, Tyrion comforted the girl named Tysha. They ended up getting drunk at a local inn, and she became so enamored of him that Tyrion felt like he wasn't an ugly dwarf. Later that night, she had sex with Tyrion, the first time he was ever with a woman. Tyrion fell in love and they married in secret. However, two weeks later, his father Tywin found out and was furious that his son had married a commoner. Tywin forced Jaime to reveal the truth: the girl was a prostitute that Jaime arranged as something nice for his little brother. Tywin then instructed his guards to have sex with her, with her being paid a silver coin for each man, as Tyrion was forced to watch. Shae then points out that Tyrion was foolish to believe a woman would sleep with him just hours after almost being raped. As she gets romantic with Tyrion, Bronn leaves the tent. The next morning, the Lannister army finds that Robb Stark and his army have stolen a march on them and they are about to be attacked. Tyrion then leads the hill tribes into battle at the Green Fork of the Trident River and gives a rousing speech to the tribesmen, but as they charge for the front he is first nearly trampled and then knocked out by an accidental blow to the head from someone's club seconds into the start of the battle.

After regaining consciousness, Tyrion learns from his father that Robb Stark deceived them. As a diversion, Robb sent a small retainer of his army to confront Tywin's forces, while the main army marched on Riverrun to attack Jaime's army. Some time later, word is received that following defeat, Jaime has been taken prisoner by Robb. News has also arrived from the capital that Tyrion’s nephew, King Joffrey, has publicly executed Eddard Stark for treason, further stoking the fire between the Lannisters and Starks. Lord Tywin is holding a strategy meeting and is furious. In addition to Jaime's defeat, both Stannis and Renly Baratheon have claimed the Iron Throne following the death of their older brother King Robert. Tyrion’s uncle, Kevan Lannister, and other commanders debate whether to attack or sue for peace. Tyrion points out that any chance of negotiating with Robb died when his father was executed. The Lannister army is now exposed, so Tywin decides to retreat to Harrenhal and orders Tyrion to return to the capital and serve as Acting Hand of the King in Tywin's stead. Tywin instructs Tyrion to control his nephew Joffrey, in order to prevent the young king from making any further idiotic mistakes. Tywin then orders Tyrion to leave his new whore behind. Later on in his tent, Tyrion complains about his father to Shae, then decides to defy Tywin by taking Shae to court anyway, much to her delight.

“Who would you like me to be? … Shae. What did your mother call you? … Is that why I’m here? So we can talk about our mothers? … Let’s start with your last night in this world.”

— ‘Baelor

“You should have known she was a whore. A girl who was almost raped doesn’t invite another man into her bed two hours later… You are still young and stupid.”

— ‘Baelor


“Drink! And don’t talk about my mother and father ever, or I will carve your eyes from your head.”

— ‘Baelor

“Are you ashamed of me? Are you afraid that I’m dancing around court with my tits out? … I’m funny now? Shae, the funny whore.”

— ‘Fire And Blood

 season two

Some weeks later, Shae and Tyrion both arrive in the capital of King's Landing. Tyrion assumes the role of acting Hand of the King to Joffrey Baratheon, who isn't happy to see him. Following his meeting with the small council, Tyrion installs his lover Shae in the Tower of the Hand, in defiance of his father Tywin Lannister’s orders. Shae looks out over King's Landing from a balcony of the Red Keep. She says the city stinks of dead bodies. Tyrion jokes that she loves “the smell of dead bodies and shit.” Shae then adds, “and cum and garlic and rum.” She informs him that the city arouses her, as Tyrion then observes that the country also seemed to have the same effect on her. Shae falls back onto the bed and says that she is where she belongs. Tyrion warns her that no-one can know she is there as the people of King’s Landing cannot be trusted. He explains how populous the liars of King's Landing are, “good liars, bad liars … one or two great liars.” She asks about him and he reminds her that he does not come from the city and says that he is a slave to the truth. Shae says that he is the biggest little liar she has ever met and he responds by saying that he is so small because of the weight of so much truth pressing down on him. When lying down next to Shae, Tyrion wonders how the deceased former Hand, Eddard Stark, slept on such an uncomfortable bed. He says that the bed will be the first of many things he changes in the city. The pair then share a tender kiss.

Days later, Tyrion enters his chambers to find Shae laughing with Lord Varys, the Master of Whisperers on King Joffrey’s small council. Shae informs Tyrion that he made her wait and Varys was keeping her company, adding that she has told Varys about how they met. Varys states that Tyrion was lucky to find such a lovely creature working in his father's kitchens, and that the story almost beggars belief. Tyrion insists that strange things do happen and offers that Varys should taste Shae's fish pie. Shae, however, expresses her doubt that Varys likes fish pie, who then wonders how she knows. Shae giggles and insists that she can always tell. Tyrion says that Varys and he must not let their disadvantages get the best of them. Varys then tells Tyrion that he is glad that Tyrion's new friend could accompany him and how unfortunate that Lord Tywin did not agree. He offers the reassurance that he is very good at keeping secrets for his good friends. Tyrion then moves to the door to block Varys' exit, and informs him that he does not like being threatened. Tyrion adds that he is not Eddard Stark and understands how the game is played. Varys assures Tyrion that Eddard was a man of honor. Tyrion, however, asserts that he himself is not a man of honor and that he will have Varys thrown into the sea if he threatens him again.

Some time later, Shae complains to Tyrion about her confinement in his quarters and he tries to quiet her. She shouts loudly that his father Tywin is miles away. Tyrion pauses his reading and offers an alternative; working in the kitchens as a scullion. A frustrated Shae is not keen on the idea, as Tyrion then tries to explain to her that his sister Cersei Lannister would use Shae against him. An offended Shae expresses her opinion on being called “a weakness.” She refuses to kiss him and walks out of the room. Following this, Tyrion has arranged for Shae to work as a handmaiden for the young Sansa Stark, daughter to the late Eddard who is now brtrothed to King Joffrey. In her chambers, Sansa is startled when she hears a knock at the door. Shae enters and explains that she is Sansa's new handmaiden, though Sansa insists that she was unaware that she was to have a handmaiden and realizes that Shae is not from Westeros. As Shae stands in the girl’s room, waiting to be told what to do, Sansa becomes doubtful of her experience. Shae claims that she was once a maid for a Lady Zourif. Sansa is dismissive, as she knows no-one of that name in King's Landing, and expects the local standard. Sansa then vents her frustration on Shae and as she is speaking it is obvious that the stress of an earlier incident has left her close to tears. Shae offers to leave, but Sansa, realizing her loneliness, asks Shae to brush her hair.

Weeks later, as Shae has settled into her new role as Sansa Stark’s handmaiden, Tyrion and the royal court assemble at the shore of Blackwater Bay for the departure of Tyrion’s niece, Princess Myrcella, whom he has arranged to marry a prince in Dorne under his sister Cersei’s nose. As the royal party walk back towards the Red Keep through the streets of the city, they are confronted by angry crowds of starving smallfolk. Joffrey is hit by thrown excrement and triggers a riot by demanding that his guards kill everyone in the crowd. Tyrion is horrified when the High Septon is torn to pieces by the famished crowd. He marshals his guards to lead him to safety. Once the royal family is safely separated from the mob, Tyrion confronts Joffrey for triggering the riot and the war that preceded it, calling him “a vicious idiot.” He slaps Joffrey when his nephew refuses to listen to the criticism. The king’s bodyguard, Sandor Clegane, brings Sansa to safety, who was nearly raped by a handful of men during the riot. That evening, Shae treats Sansa’s cuts as the traumatized Stark girl states that she could tell that the man who hit her hated her. Shae then informs Sansa that the rioters hated her for being what they cannot have and points out that Sansa’s horse eats better than a common man’s children. Sansa urges that she would have given them food if she had any, and asserts that she hates King Joffrey more than the rioters. Shae warns her to be careful who she speaks to, even herself, as she is to trust no-one.

Later on, Sansa has a nightmare about being attacked during the riots. The man who was trying to rape her tries to stab her in the dream. Sansa awakens to find her bed bloodied by her first period. She desperately tries to conceal the evidence, fearing that she will now be forced to reproduce with King Joffrey. She attempts to cut away the stained sheet with a cheese knife but finds that the blood has soaked through to the mattress. Shae then discovers her and takes away the knife while trying to reassure her. Sansa explains her fears and Shae helps her, telling her to turn the mattress. Another handmaiden suddenly enters and witnesses the situation. She quickly goes to leave and Shae quickly gives chase. Shae catches up with the other handmaiden in the stairwell and asks where she is going. She states to Shae that she is going to inform Cersei, as Shae then grabs her, pins her against the wall and threatens her into silence using the knife she took from Sansa. Shae eventually releases her colleague and returns to Sansa’s room where she discovers a distraught Sansa sat at the foot of her bed, while Sandor Clegane stands over looking at the bloodied mattress. Sansa is then immediately escorted to Cersei’s chambers.

Some days later, Tyrion eats dinner with Cersei in her chambers as his new squire Podrick Payne serves him wine. After learning that King Joffrey is keen to fight in defense of the city against Stannis Baratheon, Cersei is furious and reminds Tyrion that he sent Myrcella to Dorne and then accuses him of wanting to send Joffrey to die. Tyrion, however, insists that Joffrey needs to be on the battlefield for morale. With this news, Cersei chooses this time to reveal that she has captured his whore. Fearing for Shae, he masks his worry asking Cersei why she cares who he sleeps with. Cersei says that Tyrion’s lover is beautiful and compliments her body, adding that the bruises she has inflicted will heal with time. She then criticizes him for giving her a Lannister lion necklace. Tyrion realizes she has the wrong girl, as he has never given Shae a necklace, but now remembers who has received one, just as the Kingsguard escort a bruised Ros into the chambers, a whore Tyrion had before Shae. Tyrion is relieved that Shae is unhurt, but vows to free Ros. Tyrion promises revenge on Cersei and then rushes back to Shae. He urges that they must be more careful, as Shae reassures him that she can take care of herself. He informs her that there are people who want to hurt him. Shae then defiantly threatens to cut off their faces. Tyrion says that he would kill for her and asserts that she is his. Shae hesitantly affirms his words but he asks her to repeat them. She affectionately states that she is his and that he is hers.

With Stannis Baratheon’s fleet arriving into Blackwater Bay at any moment, Tyrion lies restless in bed next to Shae in his chambers as she asks if he is afraid, calling him “my lion.” Tyrion predicts that if the city falls Stannis will burn every Lannister that he can find. Shae insists that she will not let anyone hurt him, as he smiles at her before explaining that while he is a Lannister and has no choice, it is not her war and she can leave. She asserts that it is her fight now, as Tyrion jokes that Shae cannot “fuck [her] way out of everything.” She counters that it has worked so far, and then reminds him that he once told her to make love to him like it was his last day on earth. Later on, Bronn and Tyrion discuss their plan for the battle in the throne room as, Shae and Sansa join them. Tyrion greets Sansa and pretends to forget Shae’s name. He checks that Sansa has been invited to join his sister Cersei and the other highborn ladies in Maegor's Holdfast. Sansa affirms that she has and prays for Tyrion’s safe return, as she then goes to see Joffrey off to battle, leaving Tyrion alone with Shae. The pair share a heartfelt moment. When Sansa returns to her, Shae informs her that some of these boys will never come back. Sansa, however, replies that Joffrey will return, as the worst ones always live.

Inside Maegor’s Holdfast, Cersei leads her youngest son Prince Tommen and Ser Ilyn Payne into a room that is filled with the women of the Red Keep taking refuge. Sansa, who arrived with Shae, is immediately called over to Cersei. Sansa asks why Ser Ilyn is present as Cersei claims that he is there to defend them. Later, Sansa prays with the other women in the room as an increasingly drunk Cersei calls her over again. Sansa wonders what will happen if the city should fall as Cersei predicts the Keep would hold for a time, giving her an opportunity to surrender to Stannis. She then insists on the likelihood of the women being raped if the city falls. As the battle continues outside, Cersei notices Shae from across the room and says that she has not seen her before. Shae is then interrogated on her history and experience as a handmaiden, sensing something is amiss. Shae is rescued by the arrival of Ser Lancel Lannister, who reports Tyrion’s destruction of the fleet and the landing of Stannis’ troops. Cersei then commands Lancel to bring Joffrey back to his chambers, away from the battle, and then informs Sansa that Ser Ilyn is actually there to kill them all should the castle be breached. Lancel later returns to Cersei and tells her that the battle is lost, informing that Stannis’ troops are at their gates and the Lannister army lost heart when Joffrey left. A hopeless Cersei then leads Tommen out of the room, as Sansa reassures the women that with the drawbridge raised they are in the safest place they can be. As the women begin to sing a hymn, Shae interrupts Sansa and tells her to bar herself in her chamber, adding that Stannis will not hurt her, but Ser Ilyn will. Sansa asks Shae to come with her but she informs that she must say goodbye to someone, adding that no-one will rape her while showing Sansa a small dagger strapped to her calf. With the late arrival of Lord Tywin Lannister and his new allies of House Tyrell, the battle against Stannis Baratheon is ultimately won, though Tyrion has been severely injured by a Lannister guard.

Some days following the battle, Lord Varys visits a wounded Tyrion and regretfully informs that although his leadership was key to saving the city he will not be recognized by the king, however, the city itself will not forget. Varys also reports that upon his father Tywin’s return, Tyrion has been stripped of his duties as Hand. Varys offers a small consolation, as Shae then enters. After Varys exits the chambers, Shae removes Tyrion's bandages to reveal a large scar marring his entire face. Tyrion is self-pitying; she angrily asserts her love for him and begs him to flee to her home of Pentos with her. He says that standing up to the bad people in his life, out-talking and out-thinking them, is something that he is good at and is what makes him truly happy. Tyrion chooses to stay in King's Landing, as Shae then agrees to remain with him in secrecy.

“This city stinks, like dead bodies… and shit. I love it! … I love the stink. I love the noise. Cities make me want to fuck... This is where I belong.”

— ‘The North Remembers

“Don’t be afraid, I can take care of myself… I know. I won’t let them. I’ll cut off their faces, I will… I’m yours, and you are mine.”

— ‘The Prince of Winterfell

“I don’t think Lord Varys likes fish pie… I can always tell.”

— ‘The Night Lands

“Oh, I’m a poor little rich man and nobody loves me, so I make jokes all the time and pay them to laugh. Fuck your money.”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

“You are everything he will never have. Your horse eats better than his children. It doesn’t matter now, he’s dead… Don’t say these things, if the wrong people hear you! … Don’t trust anybody. Life is safer that way.”

— ‘The Old Gods and the New

“Going into wars, fighting soldiers, you’re terrible at this. Let’s take a boat to Pentos and never come back. You don’t belong here… Your father, your sister, all these bad people, they can’t stop you. Forget about them. Come with me.”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

 season three

Some weeks following the Battle of Blackwater, Shae and Sansa are sitting at the docks watching the merchant ships passing by Blackwater Bay, as Sansa tries to get Shae to play a game where they make up stories for each ship. Shae, however, is uncooperative, stating that she doesn’t want to play. Shae then asks Sansa why she needs to make up a story when she can find out the truth. Sansa tells Shae that she enjoys the game because the truth is either "terrible or boring." Lord Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish, a member of King Joffrey’s small council, then arrives to talk to Sansa in private and he informs her that he is waiting for word of an assignment that will take him far from the capital. He might be able to smuggle Sansa away from King’s Landing with him, but she must be ready to leave at a moment's notice. She excitedly agrees and promises not to tell anyone. Meanwhile, the whore named Ros, who accompanied Baelish to the docks, has a private word of her own with Shae. They both discuss the importance of both Littlefinger and Sansa herself. Ros then mentions that the two of them have done well for themselves, digging themselves out of where they started to become attached to important people. Ros then insists to Shae to watch out for Sansa, as Shae asserts that she always does. Ros then ominously insists on Shae to keep an eye on Sansa when she’s with her employer, Lord Baelish.

Some days later, Shae dresses Sansa in her chambers, and warns Sansa about Petyr Baelish. She points out that he has offered to help Sansa for nothing in return, which probably means that he's after something. Sansa naively says that he's an old friend of her mother, Catelyn Stark, believing that should be reason enough. Shae suggests that Baelish is actually sexually attracted to Sansa. This disturbs Sansa, but she thinks it is simply impossible, as Baelish is so much older than her. Shae continues to warn Sansa that he is manipulative and men usually only want "one thing" from young ladies, and love often isn't what they're after. That evening, Shae sneaks into Tyrion's new chambers, as he warns her that his father Lord Tywin has threatened to kill her if he found her with Tyrion again. Tyrion adds that his father always follows through on such threats. Undeterred, Shae starts undressing Tyrion, and asks him for a favor. She asks for him to protect Sansa from Lord Baelish, who she was warned about by his employee Ros. Tyrion insists that he no longer has enough power or influence to attempt to do that, though Shae accuses him of being attracted to Sansa, which he cheerfully denies. It also comes out during their conversation that Tyrion had sex with Ros back in the North when the royal court traveled to Sansa’s ancestral home of Winterfell, though Tyrion points out that it was long before he met Shae. They playfully bicker about his history with the prostitue, as well as Sansa when he mentions her as a great beauty who will need their protection. The couple’s arguing subsides once she then starts to undress him.

Weeks later, in the gardens, Sansa tries to get closer to Ser Loras Tyrell by discussing their impending wedding arrangement but Sansa becomes suspicious when she realizes that Loras seems more excited by the food and the wedding joust than by her. Meanwhile, Tyrion and Cersei observe the couple from Cersei's chambers overlooking the garden. Tyrion sarcastically asks which of the four of them has it the worst, as their father has now commanded that Tyrion is to wed Sansa instead, and Cersei will be betrothed to Ser Loras. Tyrion then finally accuses his sister of trying to have him killed during the Battle of the Blackwater, but amidst their argument he realizes that it was King Joffrey who ordered the kill, as Tyrion was the only one who stood up to him. Cersei then asks Tyrion which one of them should be the one to break the news to Sansa. Tyrion decides he might as well dash Sansa's hopes sooner rather than later. He goes to Sansa's chamber and asks for a private word, but Sansa declines to dismiss Shae. Tyrion gives Shae a carefully coded apology for not telling her in private before breaking the news to Sansa.

Neither Tyrion or Sansa are particularly happy about their impending marriage. Some days later, in his chambers, Bronn points out to Tyrion that he can easily wed Sansa and get a son and heir from her to placate his father and keep having sex with Shae in private, thereby getting two women and a kingdom to rule for himself. However, Tyrion is concerned his mistress isn't going to be so willing to go along with that plan and is less than enthusiastic about having a wife, a mistress and the entire North despising him. Bronn points out that Tyrion is wasting his time trying to be universally loved. That evening, Tyrion's fears prove accurate when he visits a less-than-enthused Shae as he gifts her with a gold necklace. As she questions why golden chains Tyrion informs her that she could a ship with that necklace. An irritated Shae questions Tyrion as to why she would need to buy a ship and then asks him if she’s going somewhere she hasn’t been made aware of. When Tyrion insists that she isn’t going anywhere she quickly changes the subject to sarcastically enquire if she is invited to his wedding to Sansa. Tyrion asserts that while he did not ask for this arrangement it is his duty as a Lannister to fulfill, not desire. After a continued argument, Shae bluntly tells him that she will no longer sleep with him after he weds Sansa and asserts that, as Tyrion’s whore, once he is tired of fucking her she will be nothing.

Days later, Tyrion speaks with Sansa in front of Shae on the morning of their wedding that is to take place in the Great Sept of Baelor. Though Tyrion knows the Stark girl is not thrilled at the prospect of marrying him, he nonetheless promises to Sansa that he will not mistreat her. Sansa politely insists there are worse Lannisters she could be wed to. The ceremony is a grim affair; King Joffrey smugly escorts Sansa to the altar in place of her late father Eddard. The king then petulantly removes the stool upon which Tyrion was to stand on to cloak Sansa in Lannister colors as part of the ceremony, eliciting snickers from the congregation, though the scowl of Lord Tywin quickly silences the court. Tyrion in the face of humiliation asks Sansa to kneel and he places the cloak around her shoulders. That evening, Shae is in attendance of the wedding feast while Tyrion spends most of the night by getting deeply drunk and making light of his father's insistence that his inebriated state will render him unfit to impregnate his new wife. Tyrion drunkenly reminds his father that Tywin has long called him "a drunken little lust-filled beast," so doing his duty in the marriage bed will not pose a problem. At the same time, King Joffrey himself is drinking too much wine, and losing what few inhibitions he has as his behavior becomes increasingly offensive to both Sansa and Tyrion. Joffrey taunts Sansa that she's still found a way to marry a Lannister and then reflects that it doesn't matter which Lannister gets her pregnant, openly stating he might want to rape her after Tyrion is done with her. Joffrey then declares in front of the court that it is time for the bedding ceremony, which involves the men at the wedding stripping the bride and the women stripping the groom before carrying them off to the marriage bed. However, Tyrion angrily insists there will be no bedding ceremony. When Joffrey keeps pushing the matter, Shae witnesses a furious Tyrion slamming his dagger into the table, threatening that Joffrey will be “fucking his own bride with a wooden cock” if he doesn't drop his insistence. As the court stands in shocked silence, Joffrey seethes with outrage and Tyrion defiantly glares at his nephew with pure hatred. After a tense moment, Tywin defuses the situation by agreeing that there will be no ceremony, and placates Joffrey by claiming Tyrion's outburst is merely the result of his being extremely drunk. Taking the hint and using it as an excuse to avoid punishment, Tyrion visibly swallows his anger and begins to act far more drunk than he actually is, intentionally humiliating himself, and says he only made a bad joke. It isn't clear if anyone in the room, including Tywin or Joffrey, think that Tyrion's outburst was simply due to inebriation, but everyone plays along anyway to help the tension pass. Tyrion, while pretending to be so drunk he can barely stand, escorts Sansa to their bedchamber.

Once they are alone in their quarters, Tyrion pours himself another cup of wine and informs Sansa that his father has commanded consummation of their marriage. A tense moment passes as Sansa nervously and slowly undresses. Tyrion ultimately tells her to stop, deciding that he will not consummate the marriage if she does not want to, and only will if she changes her mind. When Sansa questions what he will do if she never does, Tyrion sarcastically jokes "And so my watch begins" - implying that his marriage will be celibate for all time like a brother of the Night's Watch - and then abruptly passes out on a nearby lounge. The following morning, Shae notices upon entering that Tyrion is awakening from the lounge and then, with a hint of a smile, observes that Sansa's bed sheets are not stained with blood, indicating that Tyrion's virgin bride is still a virgin.

Some weeks later, in King's Landing, Tyrion and Sansa walk through the gardens, while Shae begrudgingly trails behind. A pair of passing gentlemen snigger at Tyrion, either for his dwarf status or due to rumors he has yet to consummate his marriage to Sansa, who tells Tyrion to pay them no mind to them. Tyrion reminds Sansa that he's used to it, as he's always been a dwarf. He also states that since he's not Joffrey, he would prefer to bide his time and humiliate them down the line. Sansa playfully follows his line of thinking, and suggests "sheep-shifting"- secretly hiding sheep's dung deep within a mattress so that the target always wakes up smelling of dung. Tyrion is amused but is confused by the term, though he realizes belatedly that Sansa has misheard the word "shit". He is rescued from having to explain his wife's mistake by his squire Podrick, who reports that Lord Tywin has called him to a meeting of the small council, where it is reported that Sansa’s mother and brother, Catelyn and Robb Stark, have both been gruesomely murdered. Following the small council meeting, Lord Varys privately approaches Shae in the gardens. He informs her that he knows she is genuinely in love with Tyrion - and that is why she should take the diamonds he is offering her and leave immediately for Essos to build a new, lavish life for herself. Varys is convinced that Tyrion is the last hope for the Seven Kingdoms' current regime, therefore Shae is a weakness that Tyrion, and thus the realm, cannot afford. He asserts that her presence is “a complication” for Tyrion’s progression. Shae confirms that she is in love with Tyrion and that she cares deeply for Sansa as well, but in spite of her pain at seeing them together and the danger she poses by staying in the capital, Shae will not leave until or unless Tyrion asks her to. She throws the diamonds to the ground before walking away.

“That [ship]? It’s going to Volantis… Because when I got on a ship in Volantis, it looked like that one… Why should I make up a story when I know the truth?”

— ‘Valar Dohaeris

“[Your father] does not rule the world. We can still go across the Narrow Sea… Children? You think I want children who can never see their father? Who would be killed in their sleep if their grandfather found out about them?”

— ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair

“Men only want one thing from a pretty girl… Love is not the thing [Baelish] wants… If he does ask you for anything, or try anything, or touch you, I want you to tell me… I will make him stop.”

— ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words

“I’m not your lady… I’m your whore. And when you are tired of fucking me, I will be nothing.”

— ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair

“Oh, a great beauty? … You pervert. You want [Sansa]. This child? … I didn’t force you to open mouth and make words come out.”

— ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words

“[I came to Westeros] when I was thirteen. I stopped being a child when I was nine. My mother made sure of that… Lord Varys. If [Tyrion] wants me to leave, he can tell me himself.”

— ‘Mhysa

 season four

Some months later, when Tyrion comes to speak with a depressed Sansa during her breakfast, Shae notes that Sansa has to eat something. Tyrion then dismisses Shae, to her annoyance, so he may be with Sansa alone, as she is still mourning her mother and brother who were murdered during the Red Wedding massacre. As Shae leaves, she turns around with a jealous look. That evening, Shae waits for Tyrion in his chambers and when he comes in, she tries to seduce him, asserting that he needs to relax. However, Tyrion tells her that it is not a good time and says he has far too many problems to deal with. Shae is nervous because he already has rejected her many times in the same fashion and she is afraid that he does not love her anymore. Tyrion assures her that she is the only woman he loves and Sansa is only a child whom he had to marry. She then furiously mentions that Lord Varys tried to give her diamonds when requesting for her departure, and asks if Tyrion had anything to do with it. Shae shouts at Tyrion, demanding for him to say the word if he does want her to leave. After a moment of silence, Shae leaves the room annoyed. Her presence is noticed by Cersei's handmaiden Bernadette, whom is used as a spy. Bernadette immediately goes to tell the Cersei about Shae’s presence.

On the morning of King Joffrey and Lady Margaery Tyrell’s wedding, Tyrion meets with Lord Varys before arriving to the pre-wedding breakfast. Varys informs him of Cersei's spy and his sister’s consequent knowledge of Shae's presence, warning him that Lord Tywin will find out shortly. Varys also warns him that he will not protect Tyrion or Shae against the his father and sister out of regard for his own safety. At the breakfast, Tyrion observes Cersei's indication of Shae to her father as "the whore I told you about." Tywin subsequently requests that Shae be brought to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding. Following the breakfast, Tyrion meets with Shae in his quarters and shows uncharacteristic coldness towards her, despite her gestures of affection. Terrified for her safety, Tyrion terminates their "friendship" and informs her that she is to leave and go to live in Pentos, telling her that she must do so in order for him to uphold her marital vows to Sansa. She deduces that he is afraid of his sister and father and expresses her desire to fight them alongside him. As she draws closer, Tyrion yells at her, calling her a whore, and states her unfitness to bear his children, in contrast to Sansa. Bronn then arrives to escort the sobbing Shae to the docks, resulting in her slapping him and storming off, broken-hearted. As Bronn consoles Shae outside, he advises her to adapt to circumstances, as lowborns are always spat out once used. Later that afternoon, Bronn confirms with Tyrion that Shae safely boarding her ship to Pentos. During the wedding feast, Tyrion is then arrested by command of his sister when her son, King Joffrey, succumbs to his death after drinking poisoned wine. As Joffrey had been tormenting Tyrion throughout the festivities, Cersei has made a large assumption that Tyrion is responsible for murdering the king.

Several weeks later, Tyrion's trial begins with the newly-crowned King Tommen Baratheon recusing himself. Instead, a group of three judges are appointed to oversee the trial: Lord Tywin, Lord Mace Tyrell of the Reach, and Prince Oberyn Martell of Dorne. Cersei has several witnesses testify against Tyrion, such as Ser Meryn TrantGrand Maester Pycelle and even Lord Varys himself. They all give strong, yet circumstantial, evidence of Tyrion's guilt. He seems particularly hurt by Varys' betrayal, so much that he asks the spymaster aloud to the court whether he remembered what he had told him after the Battle of the Blackwater. Varys sadly tells Tyrion that he never forgets anything, alluding to the fact that his testimony was not provided willingly. Cersei herself also takes the stand, reciting an earlier conversation the siblings had when Tyrion heatedly vowed to take revenge on her after discovering Cersei’s abuse towards the captured whore named Ros. Lord Tywin then calls for recess and meets with Tyrion’s brother, Ser Jaime.

After an hour's recess, Ser Jaime comes to Tyrion and tells him that, when the verdict of guilty is pronounced, he must ask for mercy. Secretly, Jaime had made a deal with Tywin and Tyrion will be sent to live out his days on the Wall with the Night's Watch. As the trial resumes, Cersei calls in her last witness: Shae. Her appearance astounds Tyrion, as she scornfully testifies that he and Sansa planned Joffrey's murder together, as Sansa sought revenge for her family. Shae tells the judges of Tyrion's sexual desires, embarrassing him in front of the crowd. Before she can continue, Tyrion pleads with Shae to stop, only for her to defiantly turn to him and remind him that she is a whore, mirroring what he said to her in order to convince her to leave. Tyrion angrily demands that he be allowed to confess his crimes and roars about how he saved King's Landing from Stannis’ forces, yet he should have let Stannis kill everyone instead. Tyrion then claims to be guilty of a "far more monstrous crime… I am guilty of being a dwarf!" He then reveals his true feelings about Joffrey, denying guilt in his murder but saying he wished to have killed the king himself. Tyrion turns around to the court and shouts that he wishes to become the monster they think he is and would have gladly given his life to watch everyone die from drinking poison. This enrages everyone in the court and Tywin orders Tyrion back to the dungeons. Before he can be escorted out, Tyrion bellows that he will not lose his life for a crime he did not commit and, knowing that he will get no justice from the court, demands a trial by combat. 

Some weeks later, Tyrion is surprised when Jaime frees him from his cell in the middle of the night and leads him through a secret passageway within the castle. He tells Tyrion that he will meet with Varys, who has arranged for him to escape to the Free Cities. The brothers warmly embrace, believing it will be the last time they see each other. Instead of proceeding directly to his liaison, however, Tyrion first enters the chambers of his father. He finds a woman in his father's bed, and is shocked to discover that it is Shae, moaning Tywin's name and calling for her "lion," what she used to call Tyrion. When Shae spots him, she grabs a paring knife and tries to stab him. She fails to do so but slaps him and scratches at his face. They struggle, and Tyrion eventually strangles her with Tywin's gold chain she is wearing. The act is done both in self-defense and in jealous rage, and Tyrion is immediately distraught once he fully realizes what he has done. After apologizing to Shae's corpse, he takes Joffrey's crossbow and murders his father while on the privy. Tyrion then sets sail across the Narrow Sea to start a new life.

*In the aftermath of Shae’s death, follow Tyrion's journey throughout the rest of the series.

“My lion… Have you forgotten me? Do you know how long it’s been? I want you. Don’t you want me?”

— ‘Two Swords

“I did everything [Tyrion] wanted. Whatever he told me to do to him. Whatever he felt like doing to me… I was his property. I would wait in his chambers for hours so he could use me when he was bored.”

— ‘The Laws of Gods and Men

“You tried to ship me away. Give me diamonds and make me disappear… If you want me to leave, just say it… Say it!”

— ‘Two Swords

“I am a whore. Remember? That was before [Tyrion] married Sansa. After that, all he wanted was her. But she wouldn’t let him into her bed. So he promised to kill King Joffrey for her,”

— ‘The Laws of Gods and Men

“Our friendship? … What is this? … You are afraid of your father and your sister. You’re going to run from them all your life? I’m not afraid of them… We will fight them together. It’s like you said, I am yours and you are mine.”

— ‘The Lion and the Rose

“Tywin? My lion.”

— ‘The Children