‘the laws of godS and men’

Directed By: Alik Sakharov / Written By: Bryan Cogman
Original Airdate: May 11, 2014
At the Dreadfort, Yara Greyjoy and her Ironborn men invade the castle to rescue her brother Theon, but she discovers that he is completely brainwashed and must fight Ramsay Snow and the men of House Bolton. In Meereen, Daenerys Targaryen listens to the petitions of supplicants and is confronted with her own actions against the slave masters. In Braavos, Stannis Baratheon and Davos Seaworth seek a loan from the Iron Bank as they plead their case for financial backing. Meanwhile, in King’s Landing Tyrion Lannister’s trial begins and his brother Jaime makes a deal with their father Lord Tywin in order to save his life. However, Tyrion’s world begins to further shatter as the trial reveals those who have been summoned to testify against him.


When King Stannis Baratheon and Ser Davos Seaworth sail into the harbor city of Braavos, they pass under a massive stone and bronze fortress in the shape of a giant soldier named the Titan of Braavos. They have journeyed across the Narrow Sea to the eastern continent of Essos in order to visit the Iron Bank of Braavos in hopes of securing funds to aid their war effort. As Stannis and Davos wait in the meeting hall, they are met by a bank representative named Tycho Nestoris, alongside a few other members. Tycho comments on his understanding that King Tommen Baratheon sits upon the Iron Throne and is the rightful protector of the realm. Stannis explains that they are of no blood relation, as Tommen is a bastard born of incest. Tycho, however, interjects by asserting that he has heard this “story,” and insisting that he’s heard another story from Lord Tywin Lannister about a jealous uncle. Tycho rejects their request as he states that the stories that matter to the Bank include numbers, to which he displays little faith in Stannis’ ability to return the loan. Davos entreats Tycho and points out that funding Stannis is the best way they could possibly get the gold the Bank loaned to Tywin back. As the persuasive argument ensues the Bank then agrees to lend them gold.
That evening, Ser Davos meets with his old pirate friend Salladhor Saan, who has returned to Braavos after his failed exploits off the coasts of Westeros. Davos finds Salladhor inside a brothel, soaking in a bath with two whores, one of which is introduced as Lhara. Salladhor tries to make a joke about a brave captain facing pirate ships, but the girls are not amused and Lhara reveals they already knew the punchline before he delivered it. He is surprised to see Davos, who refuses an offer to join the trio in the bath. Davos cuts to the chase, informing Salladhor that they will sail for Castle Black at sunrise. A begrudging Salladhor jokes with the whores about the bond he shares with Davos, stating: “once I thought this man loved me, now I know he despises me.” Though Salladhor wants to be left in peace, Davos throws a bag filled with gold coins at the pirate. He then informs Salladhor that there is a “chest of the good stuff” awaiting him at his house and that he’s already left with his wife. Without needing a response from Salladhor, Davos predicts that he and his ship have successfully been recruited. Before leaving the brothel, Davos reminds the pirate that they are to sail at sunrise.

Elsewhere in Essos, on sunny day outside of Meereen, a goat herder is peacefully tending the goats on a hill while his son throws rocks to pass the time. Suddenly, Drogon, now the size of a horse, appears and burns the field and kills a flock of goats while taking one with him. The goat herder then travels to the Great Pyramid to visit Queen Daenerys Targaryen and lays the charred remains of his flock before her, hoping to not anger the queen and believes it to be punishment. Daenerys apologizes about her dragon Drogon's actions and promises to pay him back three times the worth of his flock. After he departs, a Meereenese man and slave trader from an aristocratic family enters the great hall and introduces himself as Hizdahr zo Loraq. After formalities, Hizdahr presents his petition by asking Daenerys to grant him the right to bury his father's remains in the Temple of the Graces, as his father was one of the Meereenese slave masters who was crucified on Daenerys' orders. She counters that he was one of the masters that crucified the 163 children, however, Loraq reveals that his father actually spoke out against the crucifixion of the slave children but was overruled, adding that he later was killed due to Daenerys' judgment anyway. Somewhat mollified, Daenerys allows him to bury his father. As he leaves, Daenerys asks how many more supplicants are waiting as Missandei informs her that there are over two-hundred more for the day.

the dreadfort
Meanwhile, Yara Greyjoy sails along the Narrow Sea with her detachment of Ironborn men, as she prepares her troops for their assault on the Dreadfort to rescue her brother Theon Greyjoy from House Bolton. Out loud to her men, Yara reads the letter that Ramsay Snow had sent her and her father Balon Greyjoy that came along with Theon’s mutilated penis. In the letter Ramsay threatens to flay all Ironborn who do not leave the North. After reading the letter Yara then rallies her soldiers with an emotional speech. Meanwhile, Ramsay is in his chambers at the Dreadfort with Myranda engaging in rather violent sex at the same time Yara and her troops scale the walls of the castle. When they land they quietly take out the guards as Yara learns of Theon's location in the dog kennels. There, the Ironborn and Yara see Theon sitting in a cage. Yara opens the cage, but Theon refuses to go with her, believing it is another cruel trick played by Ramsay. Suddenly, Ramsay and several Bolton troops enter and a fight ensues, resulting in the deaths of several Bolton and Greyjoy soldiers alike. A panicked Theon hides from Yara and insists that his name is not “Theon,” then corrects her by repeating his name as “Reek”. When she tries pulling him out of the cage he bites his sister. As Ramsay is about to release his blood-thirsty hounds on Yara and the remaining Greyjoy soldiers they are forced to retreat their rescue. After rushing back towards their ship one of the ironmen asks a devastated Yara about Theon, who informs him that Theon is "dead".
Shortly after the failed rescue, Ramsay makes a bath for Reek as a reward for his loyalty when faced with an option to escape with his sister. Ramsay is pleased that Reek didn’t let “those creatures who came in the night” let them take him away. Reek assures Ramsay that he didn’t want Yara to take him, emotionally informing Ramsay his fear of the incident. Ramsay then orders Reek to remove his rags but he hesitates as he fears the bath is another trick from his captor. As he hesitantly removes his clothing Ramsay stares sadistically at his naked body and where his mutilated appendage used to be. Once in the tub, Ramsay asks for Reek to verbalise his love for him before asking for his assistance with his new plan Ramsay’s father, Lord Roose Bolton, has commanded: to assault Moat Cailin. In order to do successfully take the castle, currently being held by the Ironborn, Ramsay informs Reek that he needs to pretend to be someone he isn't: Theon Greyjoy.

king’s landing
In King's Landing, at a meeting of the small council, Tywin Lannister informs that his son Tyrion Lannister's trial will begin that afternoon. Lord Varys then informs Tywin that Sandor Clegane has been spotted in the Riverlands, to which Tywin orders a bounty on his head. Varys also informs the council of Daenerys’ conquest of Meereen as Tywin decides to take measures to prevent her from launching an invasion on Westeros. Afterwards, in the throne room, Varys ponders Prince Oberyn Martell’s knowledge of Daenerys’ soldiers discussed in the meeting and asks him if he’s spent time in Essos. Oberyn confirms that he spent five years there as he believes that because it is a “big and beautiful world” more people should take advantage of it. Oberyn grows tiresome of the conversation based on Varys’ lack of interest until Varys explains his distrust for people. Oberyn then invites him to the brothel to share his story with someone. Oberyn then goes on to falsely assume that before his castration Varys was attracted to men. Varys corrects Oberyn in saying that he was never attracted to women either, and then asserts that his absence of desire allows him to pursue other things. When Oberyn questions him on his meaning, Varys silently turns his gaze towards the Iron Throne.
Some hours later, in the dungeons of the Red Keep, Ser Jaime Lannister enters Tyrion's cell to escort him to his trial. Tyrion immediately jokes about being pardoned but Jaime’s solemn face dashes any momentary attempt at humor. As he is brought to the throne room in chains, Tyrion’s trial begins with the newly-crowned King Tommen recusing himself. Instead, a group of three judges are appointed to oversee the trial: Lord Tywin, Lord Mace Tyrell of the Reach and Prince Oberyn. With the trial quickly underway, Cersei Lannister has organized several witnesses to testify against Tyrion on the stand, such as Ser Meryn Trant and Grand Maester Pycelle. During his testimony, Ser Meryn informs the court how Tyrion slapped Joffrey during the Riot of King's Landing. He also states how Tyrion compared Joffrey to the “Mad King” and threatened both of them. When Grand Maester Pycelle takes the stand, he exhibits the poisoned necklace that Dontos Hollard gave to Sansa Stark prior to Joffrey’s wedding, which at some point had been found when recovering Dontos’ body from Blackwater Bay. Ser Meryn and Pycelle both provide strong evidence of Tyrion's guilt, yet their testimonies can largely be viewed as circumstantial.

As the trial continues, Cersei herself provides testimony and quotes Tyrion’s threat towards her regarding his planned revenge on her after she abused the late Ros, believing she was Tyrion’s whore. An emotionally manipulative and teary-eyed Cersei also mentions Tyrion’s insistence of Joffrey fighting on the battlefield during the Battle of the Blackwater. Afterwards, Lord Varys then testifies against Tyrion, much to his surprise. Varys recounts a heated threat Tyrion had made to Joffrey in front of the small council following the Red Wedding, where Tyrion noted to Joffrey that “kings are dying like flies.” Tyrion seems particularly hurt by Varys' betrayal, so much that he asks the spymaster in front of the court whether he remembered what he had told Tyrion about his heroic efforts after the Battle of the Blackwater. Varys solemnly tells Tyrion that he never forgets anything, insinuating that his testimony against him was not by choice.
During recess, Ser Jaime speaks privately with his father Tywin in his chambers and asks to spare Tyrion, offering to break his oath to the Kingsguard and return to Casterly Rock as Tywin’s heir. Tywin quickly accepts the arrangement and informs Jaime that Tyrion will be allowed to join the Night's Watch after being found guilty of Joffrey Baratheon's murder, provided he pleads for mercy. Jaime quickly understands that this has been his father’s plan all along, and the trial is indeed a farce. Before the recess ends, Jaime speaks with Tyrion and urges him to plead guilty. Tyrion is deeply distrustful of the offer, remarking that the late Eddard Stark was promised the same thing and yet still lost his head, but Jaime pleads with his brother to trust him, insisting that their father will keep his word, and advises him to "Keep your mouth shut. No more outbursts".
Returning to the trial, Tywin then orders a surprise witness to the stand: Shae. Her sudden appearance astounds Tyrion, who assumed that Shae had been safely sailed to Pentos weeks ago prior to Joffrey’s wedding. Shae shockingly testifies against Tyrion, declaring that he and Sansa planned Joffrey’s murder together, claiming that Sansa wanted vengeance for the murder of her family. Shae also informs the judges of Tyrion's sexual desires, embarrassing him in front of the royal court in attendance. When Tyrion pleads for her to stop, Shae turns to look at him and bitterly states: “I am a whore, remember?” Before she can continue, however, an enraged Tyrion demands that he be allowed to confess his crimes. He angrily roars about how he saved King's Landing during the Battle of the Blackwater, but should have let Stannis Baratheon kill everyone in the capital. This declaration is met with horror and disgust from the royal court. Tyrion then claims to be guilty, yet when Tywin formally asks him to admit to Joffrey’s murder, Tyrion denies it. He notes that he is guilty of a "far more monstrous crime… I am guilty of being a dwarf!" Tywin scoffs at Tyrion's claims, informing his son that he is not on trial for being a dwarf. An anguished Tyrion insists, however, that he has been on trial for that his entire life. Tywin pays no mind to Tyrion’s outburst and asks if he has nothing to say in his defense. Tyrion then reveals his true feelings about Joffrey, denying the murder but confessing that he wishes he had killed Joffrey himself. Tyrion then turns his fury towards Cersei and states that watching her "vicious bastard" die gave him more relief than "a thousand lying whores." He then roars to the court that he wishes to be the monster they think he is and would gladly give his life to watch everyone die from drinking poison. This enrages everyone in the court, as Tywin then orders Ser Meryn to escort Tyrion back to the dungeons. Before he can be escorted out, Tyrion bellows that he will not lose his life for a crime he did not commit and, knowing that justice will not be served, demands a trial by combat. Feeling there is nothing left to lose, Tyrion locks eyes with his father and cracks a subtle smirk after his demand that has astonished the court.
*Episode descriptions from GOT Wiki

“The absence of desire leaves one free to pursue other things”
“Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born in, never get to see any of it. I don’t want to be most of us”
“I will not give my life for Joffrey’s murder and I know I’ll get no justice here so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat”
“I’m guilty of being a dwarf. I’ve been on trial for that my entire life”
“Everything they’ve done to him they’ve done to you. As long as they can hurt our prince with impunity, the word “Ironborn” means nothing!”
“This is turning into a lovely evening”

episode six music

inside the episode

did you know?
The episode title references Tyrion Lannister’s formal trial under the accusation of murdering Joffrey Baratheon.
Tyrion states "I saved you. I saved this city and all your worthless lives". According to the novels he has indeed contributed a lot to the victory over Stannis, maybe more than the others who contributed to the outcome of the battle: It was his idea to form an alliance with the Tyrells (although Littlefinger accomplished that). He supervised the training of the spitfire crews to handle wildfire. He also sent the hill tribes to harass Stannis' flanks and kill his scouts as they passed through the Kingswood. Lastly, after Jacelyn Bywater was killed and the Hound deserted, it was Tyrion who took command over the kingslanders and led them against Stannis's troops. Due to his outstanding bravery, the invading host was delayed long enough until Tywin and the Tyrells' reinforcements arrived.
This is the first episode in which absolutely none of the Starks appear, nor any of their immediate supporters.
Many reviewers found it bizarre and unexpected that after all of the buildup given in the Season 3 finale that Yara Greyjoy would attempt to rescue Theon from the Dreadfort, her small raiding force actually fails and in about three minutes of screentime this subplot unravels. Bryan Cogman explained that this is actually exactly what the writers intended: they deliberately wanted the entire "Yara attempts to rescue Theon" subplot to abruptly end in failure, as a fake-out to the audience to surprise them.
Cersei, not Tywin, was the one coaching the witnesses. It is a show trial, but Tywin is dignified enough that he feels it would be seen as a breach of decorum if he directly spoke to the witnesses. Of course, Bryan Cogman noted, Tywin must have known up to a point that Cersei was manipulating the witnesses, but wasn't very concerned and did nothing to stop it – he just didn't want to be seen as personally rigging the trial.
Regarding the Iron Bank of Braavos, Bryan Cogman was worried and wanted to make one thing absolutely explicit: the Iron Bank did not officially decide to abandon the Lannisters in favor of fully funding Stannis in this episode. Instead, Davos raised enough doubt in their minds about how well the Lannisters could maintain their hold on powe. The bank decided to extend Stannis a provisional loan, to at least string him along. In the books Tycho Nestoris comes to Westeros as a representative of the Iron Bank, but the writers felt that it would be more interesting to physically introduce Braavos and the bank, as well as to take Stannis out of his comfort zone.
The Free City of Braavos makes its first on-screen appearance in this episode, though it has often been mentioned since Season 1. This makes it the second of the Free Cities to actually be shown on-screen, following the introduction of the Targaryens in Pentos at the beginning of Season 1.
Tywin's immediate and unhesitating answer of "done" to Jaime's offer is a subtle hint that this is exactly what Tywin was hoping for, if not as soon as Tyrion was arrested then as a plan he settled on long before the trial began. It is debatable whether Tywin would ever have Tyrion actually killed, but Tywin quickly realized that he could turn the situation to his advantage.
It is stated in this episode that Tywin Lannister is 67 years old, though in the books, he is 58 years old at this point in the narrative. Perhaps the reason is that Charles Dance was 67 years old when the episode was broadcast.
In the scene where Ramsay lets Theon have a bath, Bryan Cogman actually wanted the camera to pan down to show the devastated remains of Theon's genitals after Ramsay emasculated him, but Benioff and Weiss felt it was unnecessary.
Mace Tyrell has been named the new Master of Ships. Stannis was actually the Master of Ships under Robert, but after the war broke out, Cersei simply left the office functionally vacant for over a year, until Tywin resumed his office as Hand of the King. Mace's position is in-part due to the fact that the Redwyne Fleet is now the only large naval force available to the Lannisters and House Redwyne are loyal vassals of the Tyrells (in fact, Olenna Tyrell herself was born Olenna Redwyne). Oberyn asks what specific office on the small council he will be given, but the matter is not addressed. In the books, Tywin does not bother to give Oberyn a specific office, but has him sit on the council as an advisor without specific duties.
Oberyn Martell mentions that he spent five years in Essos. In the books, this occurred in Oberyn's youth, after he killed Lord Yronwood in a formal duel. House Yronwood called for Oberyn's blood, so Oberyn was sent abroad to the Free Cities for several years until tempers at home cooled down: none dared to call his travels "exile," which is what it functionally was.
This episode corrects a small point about Varys: in a Season 3 episode he explained to Tyrion that as a youth he was a slave who was part of a troupe of actors who traveled around the different Free Cities, until he was sold to the sorcerer who castrated him in Myr. That episode left out the detail from the books that Varys was actually born as a slave in Lys, and Myr just happened to be the city where his acting troupe was at the time. This episode confirms that Varys is a Lysene, as Oberyn points out that he recognizes his hint of an accent.
In terms of currency, this is the first episode to introduce the denomination of the Gold Dragon known as the Silver Stag, when Tywin offers a 100 Silver Stag bounty on Sandor Clegane. From the books, 1 Gold Dragon equals 210 Silver Stags, and 1 Silver Stag equals 56 Copper Pennies (which have been mentioned earlier in the TV series). Thus 1 Gold Dragon equals 11,760 Copper Pennies (56 X 210 = 11,760). There are a few other more rare denominations (a Copper Star is worth 8 normal Copper Pennies), but these are the three major, common denominations.
Tywin chastises Cersei that dismissing Barristan from the Kingsguard in season 1 was not only insulting but stupid, as he has now fled to serve a rival claimant to the throne, the last Targaryen heir. In the novels, it is Tyrion who points this out, when he first arrives in King's Landing.
In the small council, Tywin remarks that dragons have not won a war in three hundred years - since the Targaryen Conquest. This is true, but because dragons are an effective deterrent; entire generations passed in which the lords of the Seven Kingdoms were so afraid of the Targaryens' dragons that they dared not rise up in revolt in the first place. As Tywin noted three episodes ago, Dorne did manage to resist the Targaryen dragons, but the Dornish did this by resorting to guerrilla warfare, harassing Targaryen armies as soon as the dragons left, and Dorne still suffered grievous losses. Dragons also did not prove decisive in the Dance of the Dragons between Rhaenyra Targaryen and Aegon II Targaryen, because it was a civil war within the Targaryen family, and both sides had dragons.
A Season 4 blooper reel revealed that during the trial scene, Charles Dance (Tywin) gripped the pommel of one of the swords making up the Iron Throne so hard that it accidentally snapped off - he then looked down at it in his grip, embarrassed that he had just broken the Iron Throne prop.