season one

Tyrion Lannister, the brother to the Queen of Westeros, accompanies his sister Cersei Lannister and King Robert Baratheon's party up to Winterfell, in order to request Lord Eddard Stark as the new Hand of the King, replacing the recently-deceased Jon Arryn, who’s death is shrouded in mystery. After weeks on the road down the Kingsroad, Tyrion leaves the royal party and rides ahead, elsewhere in the North, to seek the pleasures of Winter Town's brothel. There he makes the acquaintance of a prostitute named Ros. Feigning ignorance of who he is, Ros gossips about the king being in Winterfell, along with the queen and her twin brother, who is reported to be the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms. Tyrion asks her about the other brother, "the clever one." Ros replies that the rumor is that the clever one is a little lecher who is called “the Imp” and is "prone to all manner of perversions.” Ros, laughing, tells him they have been expecting him. His brother Jaime Lannister walks in and tells Tyrion they are being feasted by the Starks at sundown and begs him not to leave him alone with these people. Tyrion reluctantly agrees. Because time is short, Jaime sends another three girls in to help matters long.

Later that evening, as the feast commences, Tyrion dawdles outside the hall of Winterfell, reluctant to make nice with the Starks and his own family, and as a result meets Jon Snow, Lord Eddard Stark’s bastard son. As Tyrion arrives in the courtyard he catches the end of a conversation between Jon and his uncle Benjen Stark. Tyrion introduces himself to Jon and muses that he’s always wanted to see the Wall. He states that Jon is "the bastard", to Jon’s annoyance. Jon responds that Ned Stark is his father. Tyrion advises Jon to take the term ‘bastard’ and use it as armor so it can never hurt him. The rest of the world will never forget what he is, so why should he? Jon angrily asks what he might know about being a bastard. Tyrion replies that "All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes", realizing that they are somewhat kindred spirits, given what life has handed to them.

The next morning, when Robert and his entourage prepare for a hunt, Tyrion contemplates on how the previous nights actions have left him with Sandor Clegane, both of them forced to join the party. The Hound then questions Tyrion's hunting ability, to which Tyrion rebuffs with sexual innuendo, which is again rebuffed by Sandor, reminding him that he has payed, not won a woman.

Some days later, Tyrion wakes up in Winterfell only to find that he somehow ended up falling asleep in the dog pen. Prince Joffrey Baratheon and Sandor, who find him, find this amusing, Joffrey sneering that Tyrion is surrounded by "better-looking bitches" than usual. Joffrey tells Tyrion that they are riding back to the capital of King’s Landing today. He is relieved because he cannot abide the "wailing of women". Tyrion tells Joffrey that he must go to Eddard and his wife Catelyn Stark and offer them his condolences on their son Bran Stark’s injury, as the young Stark boy had suddenly fallen from a tower he’d been climbing and now lies comatose. Tyrion agrees with Joffrey's comment that it's a meaningless gesture, but asserts that because Joffrey is a prince, it is expected of him and his absence has already been noted. Joffrey laughs and replies that the boy means nothing to him. Tyrion slaps him and tells him to go and fulfil his courtesies. When Joffrey starts whimpering that he will tell his mother, Tyrion slaps him again and suggests that he do so, but only after he has offered his condolences to the Starks. Joffrey is upset and his protests silenced by a third slap from Tyrion. Joffrey runs off. Sandor tells Tyrion that Joffrey will not forget. Tyrion agrees but suggests that "as a good dog", Sandor can always remind him if he does. Tyrion saunters off in search of breakfast.

Tyrion then finds his siblings Cersei and Jaime at breakfast and fondly greets his niece and nephew, Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon. Myrcella asks Tyrion if Bran will die as he then informs her that according to Winterfell’s maester, Bran's injuries, while serious, are not fatal. Jaime and Cersei exchange a look, noted by Tyrion. Cersei says it is no mercy for a child to linger in pain and suffering. Tyrion says it is in the gods' hands. Cersei changes the subject by saying that it is ridiculous for Tyrion to go and visit the Wall. Tyrion asks where her sense of wonder is. The Wall is the greatest structure ever built by man, guarded by the brave men of the Night's Watch, and beyond lies the wintery abode of the White Walkers. Tyrion insists that all he wants to do is climb to the top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world. Cersei, angry, takes her children from the table so they don’t have to listen to any more of his filth. Jaime points out to Tyrion that if the boy lives, he'll be a cripple and would prefer a good clean death any day. Tyrion points out that death is so final and life has possibilities. In particular, he wants to see what Bran has to say when he wakes up. Irritated, Jaime, wonders whose side Tyrion is on. Tyrion tells him that of course, he will always love his family.

On the road to Castle Black, Benjen, Jon and Tyrion's party makes camp for the night. They are joined by fresh recruits for the Watch, men who have been tied up. Tyrion says they are rapists. They were offered the choice of castration or the Wall. Most choose the knife. Tyrion asks Jon what he thinks of his new brothers. Changing the subject, Jon asks Tyrion why he reads so much. Tyrion replies that he is a dwarf and if he'd been born a peasant he'd probably been left in the woods to die. Alas, he was born a Lannister of Casterly Rock and things are expected of him. His father, Tywin Lannister, was Hand to “the Mad King” for twenty years until his brother killed that king. His brother has his sword and Tyrion has his mind, and a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. He and Jon share a wineskin as Jon reflects on Tyrion's words that the Night's Watch guards the realm only from grumkins and snarks and other mythical creatures. One of the new recruits, Rast, glares at Jon with hostility. Some time later, they behold the Wall in the distance. Tyrion is impressed by the sight of it as Benjen welcomes his party.

The morning after arriving to Castle Black, Tyrion and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont are looking over the training yard. Ser Alliser Thorne is putting the new recruits through their paces, using Jon Snow’s superior castle training to humiliate them; however, he has no praise for Jon, addressing him by the mocking title of "Lord Snow" and coldly telling Jon he's the least useless of all the recruits. Tyrion notes that Thorne is a "charming man," but Mormont says he doesn’t need a charming man but someone who can turn these boys into men of the Night’s Watch. He admits it’s going slowly. He asks Tyrion to deliver a message he’s just received to Jon Snow about his brother Bran. Tyrion asks if it’s good or bad news and Mormont responds, "Both."

Afterwards, Jon is confronted by several of the other recruits: Rast, Pypar and Grenn. They are angry with Jon for beating them in the training yard and breaking Grenn’s nose. When Jon says it’s an improvement, they grab him and prepare to beat him up, but are interrupted by Tyrion’s arrival. Tyrion scares them off by noting they have interesting faces which would look good decorating spikes on King’s Landing’s walls. Jon says that the other boys resent him for being better than him, but Tyrion says they resent him because he was brought up in a castle and trained by a proper, formidable master-at-arms. They were not so lucky: Pyp was sent to the Wall for stealing a wheel of cheese to feed his starving sister and Grenn was left outside a farmhouse at the age of three. Tyrion gives Jon the letter about Bran.

Later, Tyrion makes the acquaintance of Yoren, a recruiter for the Night's Watch, who has a rough sense of humor that Tyrion enjoys. Yoren informs that he is south-bound as Benjen enters the room and notes their laughter. He asks if Tyrion thinks the Night’s Watch is a joke and points out that half of the boys he has seen training will die north of the Wall. Tyrion, slightly irritated by Benjen's words, tells him he has great respect for the Night's Watch and for Benjen as First Ranger, however, does not believe in White Walkers or any of the other mythological terrors lurking beyond the Wall, and that the only difference between the people of the Seven Kingdoms and the wildlings is what side their respective ancestors happened to be on when the Wall went up. Benjen agrees, saying that the wildlings are men just like them, just harder and tougher. It’s not the wildlings that keep him awake at night, but other things. He tells Tyrion that he’s never been north of the Wall, so he can't tell Benjen what is out there. He leaves and Tyrion ponders if Benjen is starting to like him. Tyrion offers to share the road with Yoren. As no-one refuses a Lannister, this means they'll be sleeping in the finest inns and castles rather than Yoren's normal ditches and hedges.

The following day, Tyrion watches over the courtyard while the recruits are practicing. He sees Jon take his earlier advice, as Pyp and Grenn start warming up to the bastard boy. Tyrion then meets with Commander Mormont and Maester Aemon. Aemon informs that the summer now ending has lasted for nine years, which means a long winter to follow. Reports from the Citadel confirm that the seasons are changing and Aemon believes this winter will bring dark things with it. Mormont reports that they are capturing wildlings every month, fleeing south in great numbers. Many of them are saying they have seen White Walkers. He adds that the Night's Watch is the only thing that stands between the Seven Kingdoms and what lies beyond, and it now has become an army of undisciplined boys and tired old men. Their numbers have dropped below a thousand, meaning they can no longer man the other castles on the Wall or properly patrol the wilderness. They ask Tyrion to use his influence at court to send more resources. For all of his bluster and brave talk, Tyrion is unsettled by the vehemence of the two men. Later that evening, fulfilling his own promise to himself, Tyrion stands atop the Wall and urinates off the edge. He says a farewell to Jon and promises to carry his good wishes to Bran when he stops at Winterfell on the way back south. Jon is upset that Bran will never walk again but Tyrion points out that if you have to be a cripple, it’s good to be at least a rich cripple.

Some time later, Tyrion arrives with Yoren at Winterfell, however, he is unhappy with the frosty reception they have been given, telling Ned’s eldest son, Robb Stark, that he might learn a lord's courtesy. When asked Bran confirms that he doesn’t remember anything about being pushed, as Tyrion finds this curious. Tyrion then gives Bran a design for a saddle. With it, despite his recent crippling fall, Tyrion insist that Bran can ride as well as any boy. Robb asks Tyrion why he is doing his brother a kindness and Tyrion replies that he “has a weakness for cripples, bastards and broken things.” Robb offers Tyrion his hospitality, but Tyrion informs that he’d rather take his ease in the nearby brothel. Outside in the courtyard, Tyrion taunts Theon Greyjoy by asking what his father Balon would think of his only son and heir playing lackey to the Starks, having been Eddard’s ward since he was a child. He recalls the Lannister fleet burning at anchor in  Lannisport, the work of Theon's uncles. Theon angrily says they were outnumbered, in which case Tyrion points out it was stupid to launch a rebellion they couldn’t win. Tyrion wonders aloud if Balon would be happy to see Theon playing squire to his enemy. Theon tells Tyrion to be careful. Tyrion apologizes for offending Theon, adding that he himself is a constant source of disappointment to his father and he’s learned to live with it.

En route Tyrion and Yoren make a stop for the night at the Crossroads Inn, but innkeeper tells them that she has no rooms but Tyrion holds aloft a coin and asks if anyone is willing to give up his bed for the night. A sellsword replies yes as Tyrion thanks him and notices Lady Catelyn Stark in the corner. He tells her he is sorry to have missed her at Winterfell. Catelyn, her identity exposed, gets up and identifies several knights in the inn who serve bannermen of her father's, Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun. She spies a knight in the service of Lady Shella Whent of  Harrenhal and another in the service of Lord Jonos Bracken, both of them acknowledging that they are true servants of House Tully. Tyrion admires her father’s great friends, but is unsure what she is doing. Catelyn then identifies another knight wearing the sigil of House Frey. She asks how his lord is faring, and he replies that Lord Walder is well and plans to take another wife on his ninetieth nameday, and has asked Lord Hoster to attend the wedding. Tyrion laughs at that. Catelyn announces to the whole inn that Tyrion was a guest in her household and betrayed that trust by conspiring to murder her son Bran, a boy of ten. She then calls upon those knights present to help her seize him and return him to Winterfell to “await the king’s justice.” Several knights pull out their swords and level them at Tyrion, to his amazement.

Some time later, Catelyn Stark and several companions from the inn – including the sellsword Bronn, are taking a hooded and bound Tyrion through a range of tall hills. As they stop Tyrion is unhooded and he realizes that they are not on the Kingsroad and his father will have people looking for him in the wrong place. Tyrion also realizes that they are instead on the Eastern Road, meaning that Catelyn is taking him to see her sister, Lady Lysa Arryn, to answer for his imagined crimes. He asks Catelyn how long it's been since she last saw her sister and she says five years. Tyrion says that Lysa has changed since losing her husband Jon, the former Hand of the King. He suggests Catelyn would be better off killing him where he stands. Catelyn says she is not a murderer, but Tyrion says that neither is he, and what kind of imbecile would arm an assassin with his own blade? Suddenly the party is attacked by a group of tribesmen from the hills. Several of the knights from the inn are killed and Tyrion asks Catelyn to untie him so he can fight. She does so and he overcomes one assailant, killing him with the shield of one of the fallen knights. The tribesmen are defeated and Bronn asks Tyrion if that was his first kill. When Tyrion nods, Bronn says he needs a woman, always the best thing after a fight. Tyrion nods at Catelyn and jokes that he's willing if she is.

Later, in the high hall of the Eyrie, Lady Lysa Arryn gives her new guests a cold reception. She is annoyed that Catelyn brought Tyrion to the castle without permission, endangering all of them. Tyrion and Catelyn are distracted by the unedifying sight of Lysa's son Robin – and the titular Lord of the Vale – still sucking at her breast despite being many years too old for it. Lysa tells Robin that his aunt has done a very bad thing and Catelyn is puzzled by Lysa’s attitude, since she wrote to her about the Lannisters warning her. Lysa says she warned Catelyn to stay away from them, not bring one to the very heart of the Vale and adds that Tyrion murdered her husband. Tyrion is surprised to hear how busy he has been. Lysa is annoyed that he thinks this is funny, as the knights present would gladly die for her. Tyrion suggests that if any harm comes to him, his brother would certainly make sure they did. Robin tells him that no-one can hurt them in the Eyrie. He says he wants to see the bad man "fly". Lysa says that this is possible. Catelyn says that Tyrion is her prisoner and will not be harmed. Lysa agrees, suggesting that her "guest" should be shown comfortable quarters. Tyrion is thrown into one of the Eyrie’s sky cells, rooms which are open on one side with a sheer drop to the valley floor thousands of feet below.

Later on, after a few failed attempts at bribing a simple-minded guard named Mord, Tyrion stands in the center of the High Hall and acknowledges that he wishes to confess his crimes, and Lysa is pleased, commenting to Catelyn that he has been broken by the sky cell. She instructs the "Imp" to speak. As the whole court stands watching, Tyrion appears to struggle with the relating of his crimes. However, when he begins, the crimes he confesses to are merely those of lying, gambling, cheating, encouraging violent behavior, whore-mongering, and playing nasty practical jokes. Bronn, in the back of the room but Lysa loses patience with this, as Catelyn asks him to speak directly on the charges of which he has been accused, conspiring in the murder of Jon Arryn and the attempted murder of Bran Stark. Tyrion repeats that he is innocent of these charges and is accused without benefit of a trial. Lysa explains that there will be a trial and, if found guilty, Tyrion will die. Tyrion may present evidence, and, afterward (Lysa says with a smile), Robin will act as judge and give the verdict. But Tyrion announces he wants his innocence proved in a trial by combat. There is scattered laughter from the court and after several appeals by an increasingly nervous Tyrion, just when it seems that no-one will fight for him, Bronn volunteers with a shrug. Two men then turn the wheel that opens the moon door as Ser Vardis Egen, Bronn’s combatant, lowers the visor on his helm. Robin Arryn rises from next to his mother on the weirwood throne and swings his knife to the cry of "Fight!" to begin the combat. They come together with blows and sword swings, but almost immediately, Bronn starts to give ground, leaving Vardis to swing repeatedly while he retreats. The combat leads them back to the moon door where Ser Vardis tries to throw Bronn over the edge. Bronn manages to push him back and cuts Egen across the back of the knee. Ser Vardis can only rise with great difficulty, and he tries again to attack, but Bronn dodges aside and trips him. Bronn kicks away Egen's heavy shield and, at his next strike, Bronn catches his arm. Bronn looks Lysa in the eye as he plunges the sword in under Vardis' helm. There are gasps of horror from the court, and Bronn allows Ser Vardis' limp body to drop through the moon door and to fall to the ground far below. Tyrion nods his approval. Lysa is disgusted and accuses Bronn of having fought without honor. Bronn agrees that he hadn't, but assures her that Ser Vardis had as Tyrion then has his shackles removed. Robin wishes to know if the fight is over, and if he can make the little man fly now. Tyrion says that will have to be another little man, as he is going home. Tyrion bows to Catelyn and Bronn follows him out the front door of the hall.

The following day, Tyrion and Bronn journey on foot as they have reached the western edge of the Vale of Arryn. Tyrion establishes some ground rules with Bronn, saying he will pay more money than anyone else who attempts to bribe him to betray Tyrion. They are then surrounded by men of the hill tribes, led by a fearsome warrior named Shagga. At first, he orders them to be killed, but Tyrion does some fast-talking and convinces the hill tribes that House Lannister is an enemy of the House Arryn and its rulers. Tyrion uses his quick wit and words to win the allegiance of the tribes, offering to better equip them for battle and help them conquer the Vale in return for their help. Shagga agrees, though he notes that if Tyrion tries to renege on his promise he will cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats. Shagga and the hill tribe then escort Tyrion and Bronn westwards towards where the Lannister armies are gathering. Tyrion’s father Tywin has gathered his forces and have been attacking Catelyn's home in the Riverlands ever since word spread that she had arrested Tyrion. Though he does not care about his son, Tyrion is still a Lannister, and if they allow one of their own to be taken so easily, they risk losing respect. Shocking news of King Robert Baratheon’s death also has made it’s way to the Riverlands as Tyrion’s nephew Joffrey has now taken the Iron Throne.

Tyrion, Bronn, Shagga and the rest of the hill tribesmen arrive at the Lannister encampment to find Lord Tywin Lannister and his brother, Ser Kevan, planning to engage the Stark army, which is moving south from the Neck. Tywin shows no sign of relief that his son is alive as Tyrion then warns his father that Robb Stark should not be underestimated. Tywin agrees to honor Tyrion's alliance with the hill tribes. When Shagga insists they will only fight if Tyrion fights alongside them, this prospect which Tywin welcomes only terrifies Tyrion.

Later on, as the Lannister armies prepare for battle Tywin tells his son that he means to use the hill tribe forces to give them an edge against the Stark army, essentially to be used as cannon fodder. He orders Tyrion to lead them from the front of the vanguard. Tyrion angrily accuses his father of trying to kill him. After his father’s request, an angry Tyrion storms back to his tent where he finds that Bronn has found a whore for him, a foreign girl from Essos named Shae.

That evening, Tyrion attempts to learn more about Shae via a drinking game he plays with her and Bronn. Tyrion makes observations and if he is correct the person has to drink. He guesses correctly that Bronn has been beyond the Wall and killed someone before he was twelve years old. Tyrion guesses that Shae's mother was a whore, her father deserted them, and she is low born; however he is wrong on each guess. Tyrion cannot read Shae's personality, but this only makes her more intriguing to him. When Shae starts to question Tyrion, Bronn reveals that he heard Tyrion was once married. Reluctantly, Tyrion explains that when he was very young, he and Jaime were out riding near Casterly Rock and found a young common girl in distress from bandits. While his brother chased the bandits off, Tyrion comforted the girl named Tysha. They ended up getting drunk at a local inn, and she became so enamored of him that Tyrion felt like he wasn't an ugly dwarf. Later that night she had sex with Tyrion, the first time he was ever with a woman. Tyrion fell madly in love, and bribed a drunken septon to marry them in secret. However, two weeks later, his father Tywin found out and was utterly furious that his son had married a commoner. Tywin forced Jaime to reveal the truth: the girl was a prostitute. Jaime set the situation up to do something nice for his little brother. Tywin then instructed his guards to have sex with her, with her being paid a silver coin for each man, while Tyrion was forced to watch. Shae points out that Tyrion was foolish to believe a woman would sleep with him just hours after almost being raped. As she gets romantic with Tyrion, Bronn leaves the tent.

The next morning, the Lannister army finds that the Starks have stolen a march on them; they are about to be attacked and have to hastily prepare for battle. Tyrion then leads the tribes into battle at the Green Fork of the Trident River and gives a rousing speech to his hill tribesmen, but as they charge for the front he is first nearly trampled and then knocked out by an accidental blow to the head from someone's club seconds into the start of the battle. He is found by Bronn and after the battle, as he regains consciousness on the back of a wagon, Bronn tells him that the Lannisters won the battle, but it was a feint. Bronn brings Tyrion before his father on the wagon. He learns from his father that Robb deceived them. As a diversion, Robb sent a small portion of his army to confront and delay Tywin's forces, while the main army marched on Riverrun to attack Jaime's army, with the Northern army now regrouping for an attack on King's Landing.

Some time later, at the Lannister camp, word is received that following his defeat at Riverrun Tyrion’s brother Jaime has been taken prisoner by Robb Stark. News has also arrived from the capital that Tyrion’s nephew, King Joffrey, has publicly executed Eddard Stark for treason, further stoking the fire between the Lannisters and Starks. Lord Tywin is holding a strategy meeting with his generals, and is furious that Jaime has been captured by the Starks in the forest of the Whispering Wood. In addition to Jaime's aforementioned defeat, both Stannis and Renly Baratheon have claimed the Iron Throne following the death of their older brother King Robert. This means that the Lannisters are now fighting a three-front war against the Starks to the north and the competing Baratheon forces to the south. Tyrion’s uncle Kevan and other commanders debate whether to attack, fall back and raise reinforcement armies, or sue for peace. Tyrion points out that any chance of negotiating with Robb Stark died when his father Eddard was executed by Joffrey. The Lannister army is now exposed, so Tywin decides to retreat to Harrenhal and orders Tyrion to return to the capital and serve as Acting Hand of the King in Tywin's stead, as the deceased Eddard Stark had been the previous Hand. Tywin instructs Tyrion to control his nephew Joffrey, in order to prevent the young king from making any further idiotic mistakes. Tyrion is also instructed to kill Joffrey’s advisors if he sees treachery. Tywin then orders Tyrion to leave his new whore behind. Later on in his tent, Tyrion complains about his father to Shae, then decides to defy Tywin by taking Shae to court anyway.

“Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”

— ‘Winter Is Coming

“A Lannister always pays his debts.”

— ‘A Golden Crown

“I must do my part for the honor of my house. My  brother has his sword, and I have my mind. And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone.”

— ‘The Kingsroad

“In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of wine and a girl’s mouth around my cock.”

— ‘The Pointy End

“I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things.”

— ‘Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things

“Everyone, everywhere always has to do exactly what my father says. He’s always been a cunt.”

— ‘Fire And Blood

 season two

Some weeks later, Tyrion Lannister arrives in the capital of King's Landing, wearing his armor, accompanied by Bronn, Lannister men-at-arms and warriors of the hill tribes, including Timett. He assumes the role of acting Hand of the King to Joffrey Baratheon, who isn't happy to see him, unlike Myrcella and Tommen. Joffrey says they had heard rumors that Tyrion was dead and Myrcella interjects that she is glad they were false. Tyrion then offers his condolences to Sansa Stark on the death of her father Eddard Stark, much to Joffrey’s irritation. After leaving the tourney, Tyrion then takes his seat at the small council, clashing with his sister, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister. He points out her failure to stop the execution of his predecessor as Hand, Eddard. He also criticizes her for allowing Eddard’s daughter, Arya Stark, to escape, as the girl and her father could have been useful to bargain for the return of their brother Jaime. Afterwards, Tyrion installs his lover Shae in the Tower of the Hand, in defiance of his father Tywin Lannister’s orders. She is initially thrilled at being brought to the capital, and says that big cities make her "want to fuck". He explains how populous the liars of King's Landing are, trying to convince Shae that he is somewhat truthful in comparison. He also laments Eddard Stark and his honor, but also remarks on how that was his downfall, emphasizing how the court is built on his lies. Tyrion states that he will make changes during his tenure as Hand of the King to Shae, before the two share a tender kiss.

Some days later, Tyrion enters his chambers to find Shae laughing with Lord Varys, the Master of Whisperers on the small countil. She tells him that he made her wait and Varys was keeping her company, adding that she has told Varys about how they met. Varys says that Tyrion was lucky to find such a lovely creature working in his father's kitchens and that the story almost beggars belief. Tyrion says that strange things do happen and offers that Varys should taste Shae's fish pie. Shae says that she doubts that Varys likes fish pie. Varys wonders how she knows and she giggles and says that she can always tell. Tyrion says that Varys and he must not let their disadvantages get the best of them. Varys says that he is glad that Tyrion's new friend could accompany him and how unfortunate that Tywin did not agree. He offers the reassurance that he is very good at keeping secrets for his good friends. Tyrion moves to the door to block Varys' exit. He tells Varys that he does not like being threatened and that he is not Eddard Stark and understands how the game is played. Varys says that Eddard was a man of honor. Tyrion says that he himself is not and that he will have Varys thrown into the sea if he threatens him again.

Later, Cersei reads Robb Stark's peace terms aloud to the small council before tearing them up. Tyrion tells her that she has perfected the art of tearing up papers and suggests that they at least return Eddard's remains as a gesture of good faith. Cersei asks Alton Lannister to deliver their reply and he accepts. Cersei also asks him to tell Jaime that he has not been forgotten, to the consternation of the other council members. Grand Maester Pycelle reports a raven from Castle Black as Varys interjects that the wildlings are becoming increasingly troublesome. The Master of Coin, Petyr Baelish, is sarcastically dismissive as Varys adds that the wildlings are organizing behind their king, Mance Rayder. Cersei jokes that she has lost track of the number of kings. Tyrion says that the message is from Jeor Mormont and that he is asking for more men. Cersei says that they cannot spare any because they are fighting their own war. Tyrion reads a troubling passage: “the cold winds are rising, and the dead rise with them.” Pycelle dismisses it as northern superstition as Tyrion relays Jeor's encounter with a wight and asserts his reliability. Cersei mocks Tyrion as having become gullible after one trip to the Wall. He reminds Cersei that the Night's Watch is the only thing that separates them from what lies beyond the Wall.

Later that evening, Tyrion invites Janos Slynt to his chambers as a dinner guest. Janos compliments the wine, recognizing it as Dornish and Tyrion flatters his knowledge. Tyrion asserts that Janos must be getting used to fine dinners since he received his title as Lord of Harrenhal and then asks about the recent incident in Littlefinger's brothel. Janos says it was a nasty business but had to be done. Tyrion feigns agreement, saying that the peace must be kept before adding that he did not realize, however, the peace depended on killing babies, asserting that no-one else would want to murder the late King Robert’s bastard children. Janos says only Tyrion knows Cersei better than he does. Tyrion informs that he appreciates Janos' loyalty and then questions him about the murder of Eddard Stark's men. Janos accuses Tyrion of being drunk and says that he will not let Tyrion impugn his honor. Tyrion says that he is not questioning Janos's honor but denying its existence. Janos stands up and threatens Tyrion, calling him a dwarf, but Tyrion nods to Bronn who summons four gold cloaks and informs Janos he is being sent to take the black and that he will leave on a ship tonight. Janos insists that the men are under his command but Tyrion explains that Bronn is now commander of the City Watch. Janos is dragged off, still protesting about his connections at court.

Tyrion then eats dinner in his chambers while Cersei rages that Tyrion did not have the authority to replace Janos Slynt. He asserts that his position as Hand of the King while she counters that he is only serving until Tywin arrives and says that she is Queen Regent. Tyrion warns her that she is losing the people and might find it difficult to rule a populace who want her dead, also predicting that the people will turn against her in the winter and that the slaughter of King Robert's children has given them a rallying cry. He is surprised at the lack of a denial and then concludes that Joffrey gave the order without Cersei's knowledge. She says Joffrey did what he had to as Tyrion retorts that there is more to ruling. Cersei shouts that she doesn't care what he thinks and complains that because her brothers did not take it seriously ruling has always fallen on her. Tyrion jokes that Stannis Baratheon is claiming that Jaime has done the same repeatedly, insinuating the knowledge of his siblings incestuous relationship together. Cersei pauses and then says that Tyrion is funny. She says that none of his jokes will ever match him killing their mother, Joanna Lannister, as she gave birth to him. Tyrion points out that she was his mother too. Cersei says that her mother being gone for the sake of Tyrion is the biggest joke in the world. She leaves Tyrion to consider her words.

Afterwards, Tyrion arranges for Shae to serve as a handmaiden to Sansa Stark when she demands more freedom around the Red Keep. Tyrion then tests the loyalty of the remaining small council members by feeding them varying plans for marriage alliances involving Princess Myrcella. He first meets with Grand Maester Pycelle in his dining room and compliments his knowledge before then asking him to keep a confidence. He tells him that he is hoping to make a marriage alliance with House Martell in Dorne by offering Myrcella's hand to their heir Prince Trystane Martell. Tyrion specifies that Pycelle should not speak to the Queen about this. He then has a similar meeting with Lord Varys but claims that he wants to marry Myrcella to Theon Greyjoy. Varys is doubtful of the plan but Tyrion tries to convince him that Theon could be an ally within the Northern army. Tyrion then offers a third variation to Petyr Baelish, this time saying that he will wed Myrcella to Robin Arryn. Petyr wonders at Tyrion's motivation given his fractious relationship with Lysa but Tyrion claims that he is rising above their past dealings. Petyr asks what is in it for him and Tyrion says that he will award him with Harrenhal. Petyr is enticed but feigns concern over Tyrion's treatment of Janos Slynt, the previous Lord of Harrenhal. Tyrion assures Littlefinger that he is needed, whereas Slynt was not.

After his meetings, Tyrion enters his chambers to find Cersei waiting for him, who is irate about his marriage plans for Myrcella. Cersei says that she will not allow Myrcella to be shipped to Dorne as similar to how she was sent to King Robert. Tyrion suppresses a smile having now identified Pycelle as the untrustworthy advisor. He asserts to his sister that Dorne will be the safest place for her, adding that they must seduce the Martells into an alliance and that the support of Dorne could win them the war that Joffrey started. Cersei worries that her daughter will be a hostage and Tyrion counters that she will be a guest. Cersei threatens Tyrion, saying that the letter from their father Tywin that appointed him as Hand is a mere piece of paper, and offers no protection, similar to Robert's will for Eddard Stark. Tyrion says that Cersei cannot stop the plan now that it is in motion and she becomes hysterical, smashing glasses from his table. Tyrion cautions her that Myrcella would be in grave danger if King's Landing was sacked, demanding to know if Cersei wants to see her daughter raped and murdered like the children of House Targaryen during the Sack of King's Landing; Tyrion promises Cersei that if the city falls, they will put Myrcella's pretty little head on a spike next to hers. Cersei tells him to get out and shoves him over before sinking into a chair. He leaves her alone in his chambers.

That evening, Tyrion waits alone in a hallway of the Tower of the Hand as Littlefinger appears and rages at him for involving him in the deception with Cersei, particularly for the loss of Harrenhal. Tyrion apologizes and offers him another task; convincing Petyr’s beloved Catelyn Stark to free Jaime. Bronn then interrupts and Tyrion asks if he has found his target. Bronn says that Pycelle was not alone, calling him a filthy old stoat. They burst into Pycelle's chamber while he is in bed with the prostitute Daisy. Pycelle denies his crime but Tyrion explains that he has implicated himself because he was the only one aware of the plan to approach the Dornish. Tyrion asks how long Pycelle has been spying for Cersei and Pycelle claims that he has been loyal to House Lannister since the days of Aerys Targaryen. Tyrion orders Pycelle confined to the black cells; Bronn and Timett drag the protesting Grand Maester out and Tyrion pays Daisy for her trouble. After the arrest, Tyrion meets with Lord Varys who reports that Shae is settling into her new role. Tyrion calls it one of his better ideas. Varys remarks on the loss of a second small council member with the imprisonment of Pycelle and congratulates Tyrion on the ploy. Varys tells Tyrion a riddle, using it to illustrate that power is an illusion maintained by rulers.

Some time later, King Joffrey threatens Sansa Stark in the throne room with an ornate crossbow demanding she answer for her brother Robb Stark’s treason, as she denies having any involvement. Joffrey then suggests that killing Sansa would send Robb a message, but lowers his crossbow, citing his mother Cersei’s insistence that Sansa be kept alive. Instead he orders Ser  Meryn Trant of the Kingsguard to beat Sansa but spare her face. Before the spectacle continues further, Tyrion storms in with Bronn and demands an explanation, reminding Joffrey that he is to marry her. Joffrey says that he was punishing her, as Tyrion wonders for what crimes she committed, calling Joffrey a half wit. Joffrey asserts that he can do as he likes as king, though Tyrion reminds him of the fate of “the Mad King”, who ruled without regard over his actions. Tyrion helps Sansa up and walks her out of the throne room. He apologizes for Joffrey’s behavior and asks if she wants to end the engagement. She asserts her loyalty and love for Joffrey. Tyrion calls her Lady Stark and says that she may yet survive her captivity. Bronn suggests that Joffrey’s aggression may stem from sexual tension and advises to organize a prostitute to temper his cruelty. Tyrion then arranges for two whores for his nephew, however, he later learns that Joffrey forced Ros to beat the other prostitute as a message to his uncle.

Tyrion is interrupted by a late night visit from his cousin Ser Lancel Lannister, who bears a warrant from Cersei for the release of Pycelle. Tyrion invites him for a drink and Lancel refuses. Tyrion wonders why Cersei did not come herself. Lancel says that he does not care and Tyrion continues to question him. Tyrion establishes that the order came directly from Cersei and then asks why Lancel waited to deliver it. Lancel says that he came immediately and Tyrion wonders what he was doing conferring with Cersei so late at night. Lancel says that Cersei often works through the night and Tyrion retorts that she must be glad to have Lancel helping her at all hours. Tyrion notes the scent of lavender oil on his cousin and says that it is a favorite of Cersei. Lancel asserts his position as a knight and Tyrion jokes that he is an anointed knight. Tyrion asks if Cersei had Lancel knighted before or after she took him into her bed. Tyrion threatens to tell Joffrey and Lancel collapses into a chair, aghast. Lancel claims that he was following Tywin’s orders. Tyrion points out the benefits Lancel has received and threatens to go straight to Joffrey and Lancel begs him for mercy and offers to leave the city. Tyrion says that Lancel must act as his spy to buy his silence. Tyrion asks Lancel to beg Cersei’s forgiveness and agrees to release Pycelle but refuses to reinstate him to the council. He enigmatically says that he could say that he has not harmed a hair on Pycelle’s head but that it would not be strictly true.

Some time later, Tyrion informs Cersei of Renly Baratheon’s recent murder with varying reports of who was responsible, some saying that it was his own brother Stannis. He then warns a joyous Cersei that Lord Varys had a less positive reaction, warning that Renly’s armies are now joining Stannis. Cersei attempts to change the subject, asking if Tyrion should be doing something else like sealing Myrcella in a crate so that she can be shipped away noting that he is so clever with his schemes and plots. Tyrion corrects her that schemes and plots are the same thing. He returns the discussion to the pressing threat of attack and their need to ready for assault. Cersei says that Tyrion need not concern himself over it as King Joffrey is preparing the siege preparations personally. Tyrion asks for specifics and Cersei refuses to discuss it. He says that it is important that they talk about it and she again refuses, citing the King’s need for secrecy. Tyrion then meets with his cousin Lancel in a litter on the street’s of King’s Landing. Lancel reveals that the Queen’s plans for defense of the city hinge on the use of wildfire, as she has met with the Alchemists' Guild, who have already stored thousands of pots of the substance for her.

In the basement of the Alchemists' Guild, Tyrion carefully holds a vial of green wildfire and recalls an old sailor’s proverb “Piss on wildfire and your cock burns off.” Bronn grins as Wisdom Hallyne informs that he has never conducted that particular experiment, adding that it could be true because the substance burns so hot that it can melt wood, stone, steel and flesh. Hallyne claims that wildfire was the key to the power of House Targaryen after their dragons died out and adds that the substance is fire given form and that they have been perfecting it since the reign of King Maegor Targaryen. Tyrion asks how much they have and Hallyne picks up a lamp to lead them deeper into the guild’s tunnels. Once in the tunnels, Hallyne then opens a heavy door and warns that Bronn would not have dared to insult an order of pyromancers while King Aerys lived. Bronn points that Aerys is dead and that all of his wildfire did not help him. Bronn says that men win wars and not magic tricks. Hallyne opens the door to reveal a massive cellar with rows upon rows of shelves filled with pots of Wildfire. Tyrion steps in and looks about in wonder. Hallyne says that they have been working tirelessly since receiving Cersei’s orders and have amassed 7,800 pots. Bronn repeats his fears about it being a bad idea and Tyrion concurs. He says that Hallyne will be making wildfire for him from now on.

Some time later, Tyrion and the court assemble at the shore of Blackwater Bay for the departure of Princess Myrcella, as she sets sail to Dorne to marry Prince Trystane Martell. Cersei remains angry about Tyrion's arrangements for her daughter and tells him that she hopes that he will one day truly love someone so that she can inflict the pain of taking them away from him. Tyrion looks pointedly at his sister before walking away. As the royal party walk back towards the Red Keep through the streets of the city, they are confronted by angry crowds of starving smallfolk. Sensing the imminent danger, Tyrion orders a guard to escort Prince Tommen back to the Keep by another route. Shortly after, Joffrey is hit by thrown excrement and triggers a riot by demanding that his guards kill everyone in the crowd. Tyrion is horrified when the High Septon is torn to pieces by the famished crowd. He marshals his guards to lead him to safety. Once the royal family is safely separated from the mob, Tyrion confronts Joffrey for triggering the riot and the war that preceded it, calling him “a vicious idiot.” He slaps Joffrey when his nephew refuses to listen to the criticism. Tyrion orders Meryn Trant to retrieve the missing Sansa Stark, knowing that his brother Jaime's life is also on the line, but Meryn will not follow his orders. He is eventually relieved when Sandor Clegane brings Sansa to safety, who was nearly raped by a handful of men.

Days later, Cersei lights candles with a taper in her bedchamber while meeting with Tyrion. He reports the news within; Stannis Baratheon’s fleet has been spotted sailing north past Tarth. The message states that he has 200 ships and predicts that they will reach the city within five days. Tyrions then notes that Joffrey needs to start acting like a king and warns that the war she started is coming to their doorstep. Cersei counters that she is not the one giving Joffrey whores to abuse. Tyrion wonders what they can do if they can’t control him as Cersei admits Joffrey doesn’t listen to her. She quietly admits that she hoped that her son would be like Jaime. Tyrion observes that he is more like King Robert as Cersei says that Robert was a drunken fool but did not enjoy cruelty. She goes on to wonder if Joffrey’s cruelty is the price she must pay for her sins and that Jaime and her used to console each other with the same fact when they had doubts. Tyrion says that Cersei has beaten the odds because Tommen and Myrcella are good, decent children. Cersei begins to cry and Tyrion approaches her but cannot bring himself to comfort her as Tyrion is not accustom to consoling his hard-edged sister.

A few days later, Tyrion turns to books for insight into siege defense tactics, notably  Archmaester Ch'Vyalthan's  ‘An History of the Great Sieges of Westeros’, but Bronn warns that the grim realities of a siege cannot be understood from reading, elucidating that starvation is the great killer of a siege and that food becomes the most valuable commodity. He says that if things are bad enough the poor will turn to cannibalism, while the rich will give away their most valued possessions in exchange for simple provisions. He says that the thieves prosper most in a siege. Lord Varys agrees that extreme measures are warranted under the circumstances. Tyrion reaches for a map and says that Stannis knows King’s Landing. He predicts that Stannis will use his insight to find their weak point and chooses the Mud Gate as the likely point that Stannis will attack. Tyrion says that it will be desirable to Stannis because it is weak to battering rams and only fifty yards from the shore. Varys asks what they plan to do to defend the weak spot as Bronn jokes that they could throw books at Stannis’ men. Varys then asserts that they do not have that many books as Bronn retorts that they don’t have many men either. Varys asks Tyrion what they do have and Tyrion responds “pig shit”, alluding to what Bronn had called wildfire in front of the pyromancer Hallyne.

That evening, Tyrion eats dinner with Cersei in her chambers as his new squire Podrick Payne serves him wine. After learning that Joffrey is keen to fight in defense of the city, Cersei is furious as Tyrion calls it an inspiration for their troops. Tyrion also notes that there are boys younger than Joffrey that will be fighting Stannis’ force. She reminds him that he sent Myrcella to Dorne and then accuses him of wanting to send Joffrey to die as Tyrion insists that Joffrey needs to be on the battlefield for morale. He adds that Joffrey must fight instead of hiding behind her skirts. With this news Cersei chooses this time to reveal that she has captured his whore. Fearing for Shae, he masks his worry asking Cersei why she cares who he sleeps with. Cersei says that Tyrion’s lover is beautiful and compliments her body, adding that the bruises she has inflicted will heal with time. Tyrion asks where Cersei found her as she criticizes him for giving her a Lannister lion necklace. Tyrion realizes she has the wrong girl, as he has never given Shae a necklace, but now remembers who has received one, just as the Kingsguard escort a bruised Ros into Cersei’s chambers. Tyrion is relieved that Shae is unhurt, but vows to free Ros. Tyrion promises Cersei that he will exact revenge on her. He then rushes back to Shae and confesses the depth of his feeling for her, both of them mentioning that they would violently defend each other, while warning that they must be doubly careful now.

The following day, King Joffrey marches up to the walls of his capital berating Varys on his lack of intelligence from the North and wishes to attack Robb Stark's forces now that Winterfell has fallen to the Ironborn, but Tyrion advises against it, due to Stannis' impending attack on King's Landing. After Joffrey leaves, Tyrion leads Varys to the edge of the sea wall. Varys commends Tyrion on his ability as Hand, explaining that he is superior to the good and honorable Arryn and Stark because he enjoys playing the game while they disdained it. Tyrion agrees that he enjoys it, noting that it was the last thing he expected. Varys adds that Tyrion plays it well as Tyrion admits that he would like to keep on playing it. He then warns that if Stannis breaches the gates then the game is over. Varys then reveals hearing a rumor from Qarth that the last remaining Targaryen, Daenerys, is alive and has hatched three dragons. Tyrion is dismissive of the threat she poses given their current circumstances. Varys predicts that it will be years before the dragons are fully grown but warns that they will then have nowhere to hide. Tyrion urges him to focus on one game at a time.

Some days later, Tyrion lies restless in bed next to Shae in the Tower of the Hand. Shae asks if he is afraid, calling him “My lion.” Tyrion predicts that if the city falls Stannis will burn every Lannister that he can find and says that he is afraid. Shae says that she will not let anyone hurt him. He smiles at her before explaining that while he is a Lannister and has no choice in his side, it is not her war and she can leave. She straddles him and says that it is her fight now then asks if he can remember what he said when they first met in his tent at the Lannister army camp. She reminds him that he told her to make love to him like it was his last day on earth. She pushes back his hair and leans in to kiss him. Varys then meets Tyrion in his chambers and unfurls a map of the tunnel network beneath the city, as Podrick dresses him in his armor now that Stannis’ fleet is moments away from arrival. Tyrion looks down at the map and estimates that it shows twenty miles of tunnels. Varys corrects him, saying that there are fifty and elucidating that the Targaryens built the city to withstand a siege but wanted to be able to escape if necessary. Tyrion says that he is not planning to escape and likens himself to a captain of a ship; willing to go down with it if it sinks. Varys tells Tyrion that he is all that stands between them and defeat, as Podrick offers Tyrion a battle axe. Tyrion looks at it and grips it firmly in his hand before looking back at Varys.

As they plan for battle in the throne room, Tyrion reminds Bronn to wait until the ships are deep into the bay and warns him not to get killed as they shake hands. Tyrion returns the sentiment, calling Bronn a friend and asserts that paying Bronn for his services does not diminish their friendship. Bronn skeptically jokes that if anything it enhances it. Bronn bows to the newly arrived Sansa and Shae on his way out of the throne room. Tyrion gives Podrick his axe and approaches the ladies as he greets Sansa and pretends to forget Shae’s name to continue their ruse. Joffrey, the Hound and three other members of the Kingsguard enter from behind the throne. Joffrey calls Sansa over yelling, "Sansa, here," much as one would call a dog. Tyrion deadpans that Joffrey has always been a great romantic. Sansa says that she will pray for Tyrion’s safe return. Tyrion seems surprised that she would care, but when she says that she will pray just as she will for the king, he realizes that she may be praying, but her prayers are not for the Lannisters' well being or success. Sansa goes to Joffrey leaving Tyrion alone with Shae and they share a heartfelt moment. He tells her to stay safe, she reciprocates calling him her lion.

At the Mud Gate the Lannister forces witness Stannis’ fleet emerging from the darkness as Tyrion orders his archers to prepare. A single ship emerges from the city docks as a terrified Joffrey asks where the rest of their fleet is. Wisdom Hallyne from the Alchemists’ Guild climbs the stairs and hands Tyrion a flaming torch to which Tyrion drops the flaming torch to lighting a beacon. Bronn stands on the shore of the bay with a bow in hand and after seeing the beacon he fires a high arcing shot into the middle of the bay where the lone ship is floating and leaking green wildfire into the waters. The green flame spreads rapidly, engulfing the deserted Lannister ship until the vessel explodes and Stannis’ ships in the main blast zone are eradicated instantly, though Stannis’ ship remains unharmed. Hallyne giggles as he sees the fruits of his labor as Tyrion is fascinated and appalled by the devastation of his plan. Chaos rains amongst the fleet as the men try to get away from the burning wildfire the explosion has catapulted into the air and the substance ignites everything it touches with orange flames dancing amongst the sickly green. Stannis asserts that Tyrion has played his trick and can only play it once as he makes for the port bow to shout to his men “Come with me and take this city.” They cheer and follow him over the side of the ship.

Stannis kneels in the prow of a longboat as his army is rowing for shore in a fleet of similar boats. Tyrion watches their approach from atop the walls as Joffrey begins to panic. Tyrion orders the archers to rain fire on the attackers and for Sandor to lead a sortie beyond the gate to kill anyone who reaches shore. Stannis leads his men through the hail of arrows, sustaining heavy casualties, as Sandor leads his troops out through the gate. Shortly into the melee battle, Lancel retreats after an arrow in the shoulder. Sandor’s sortie is quickly defeated as he himself retreats, allowing Stannis to establish a small foothold atop the wall. Joffrey commands Sandor to return to the fray, as Tyrion reminds him that he is a member of the Kingsguard and must beat the enemy back. However, Clegane angrily says, “Fuck the Kingsguard, fuck the city, fuck the king.” He walks away from the fight, leaving Joffrey and Tyrion stunned. As Stannis’ force continues to grow with each landing ship Joffrey then retreats from the battle and orders Ser Mandon Moore to stay with Tyrion to represent the king on the battlefield. Tyrion looks around at his muttering troops and says to himself that he will lead the attack. A Lannister soldier calls that they cannot counterattack because Stannis’ men are already at the gates. Tyrion says that there is another way that he can show them and informs them they will emerge behind their enemies. After a rousing speech Tyrion and the remaining soldiers head towards the tunnel.

As the men are let outside of the tunnel they swiftly kill the attackers surrounding the Baratheon battering ram. The victorious Lannisters repeatedly chant "Halfman" at Tyrion as the ram burns, Tyrion takes off his helm in with pride but then hears more attackers coming from the far side of the shore. Stannis continues to battle atop the walls but has not been joined by enough men to move on. Amidst the battle, Tyrion notices Ser Mandon staring at him and walks over to the Kingsguard. Mandon then rushes at Tyrion and swings his sword at his face in a sudden and vicious down-cut. Tyrion shouts as the blade slices across his forehead and cheek. He collapses to his knees and Mandon raises his sword again. From behind, Tyrion’s squire Podrick then stabs Ser Mandon through the back of his neck with a spear, killing him. Podrick rushes to Tyrion’s side, holding him up as blood pours from his wound. As Tyrion collapses into unconsciousness, he witnesses the forces of his father Tywin and his new allies in House Tyrell joining the battle and decimating Stannis' army. Stannis is dragged from the battle by his guards, screaming for his men to stand and fight. After the Baratheon army retreats, Tywin bursts into the throne room and announces their victory, just in time to stop Cersei from helplessly killing her youngest son Tommen with poison to spare him of a painful death.

Some days following the battle, Tyrion awakens to find Pycelle looming over him. The reinstated Grand Maester gloatingly informs Tyrion that with the return of his father Tywin he has been relieved as Acting Hand of the King and moved to new chambers. Tyrion rejects pain relief that Pycelle offers, fearing that his enemy will poison him. He calls for Podrick to summon his allies, Lord Varys and Bronn. Some time later, Varys visits Tyrion and regretfully tells him that although his leadership was key to saving the city he will not be recognized by King Joffrey, however, the city itself will not forget. Varys also reports that Bronn has been relieved of his command of the City Watch and his hill tribesmen have taken their plunder and gone home back to the Vale. Varys offers a small consolation; he has brought Shae to see Tyrion. After Varys exits the chambers, Shae removes Tyrion's bandages to reveal a large scar marring his entire face. Tyrion is self-pitying; she angrily asserts her love for him and begs him to flee to her home of Pentos with her. He says that standing up to the bad people in his life, out-talking and out-thinking them, is something that he is good at and is what makes him truly happy. Tyrion chooses to stay in King's Landing, as Shae then agrees to remain with him in secrecy.

“You can’t trust anyone in King’s Landing they’re all liars. Good liars, bad liars, one or two great liars.”

— ‘The North Remembers

“I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you’re safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid.”

— ‘The Prince of Winterfell

“I’m not questioning your honor, Lord Janos. I’m denying its existence.”

— ‘The Night Lands

“They say I’m half a man, well what does that make the lot of you?… Don’t fight for your king, don’t fight for his kingdoms, don’t fight for honor, don’t fight for glory, don’t fight for riches because you won’t get any… Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let’s go kill them!””

— ‘Blackwater

“Oh Lancel, tell my friend Bronn to please kill you if anything should happen to me.”

— ‘The Ghost of Harrenhal

“These bad people are what I'm good at. Out-talking them, out-thinking them - it's what I am. And I like it. I like it more than anything I've ever done.”

— ‘Valar Morghulis

 season three

Some weeks after the Battle of Blackwater, Cersei Lannister pays her brother Tyrion a visit accompanied by two of her son Joffrey’s Kingsguard. She only gains entrance to Tyrion's chambers after agreeing to leave her guards outside. Once inside Cersei demands to know how he will "slander" her to their father now that he is here. Tyrion asks when he has ever slandered her before, and she reminds him of a time at Casterly Rock that he got her in serious trouble with their father: when she was nine years old, Cersei discovered that a servant girl, also nine years old, had stolen a necklace, so she had her guards beat the girl, who ended up losing an eye. Tyrion told their father what Cersei had done and he was angered, but Cersei notes that the servant girl never stole a necklace again. Tyrion quips that it isn't "slander" if it's true, and he only told Tywin what she really did. The queen admits that Tyrion is a clever man but not as clever as he might believe. Tyrion merely retorts that this still makes him a great deal more clever that her. Cersei then leaves abruptly and just in time to prevent Bronn and Ser Meryn Trant from exchanging blows outside. Tyrion is surprised to understand that Bronn, who had defended him against Cersei's entourage, has been knighted and styles himself as "Ser Bronn of the Blackwater". While possessing no lands, wealth, or titles, this drastically elevates his social standing - and in his mind, his pay. He tells Tyrion that he still thinks of him a friend, but he is still a sellsword, and as a knight Tyrion should pay him double what he used to, reminding him of his promise made after his trial.

After speaking with his sister, Tyrion requests his father Tywin give him Casterly Rock, as his brother Jaime gave up all rights of inheritance when he joined the Kingsguard. This leaves  Tyrion as the next in lawful line of succession as Lord of Casterly Rock. Tywin hatefully spites his son for "killing" his mother in childbirth, and saying that although he will reward him in due time, he will never make Tyrion heir to Casterly Rock, considering him an abomination and a curse who would only humiliate the family name and turn Casterly Rock into a brothel. As Tyrion leaves, Tywin warns him that if he catches another whore in his bed he will hang her.

Some days later, Shae sneaks into Tyrion's new chambers. He warns her that his father Tywin threatened to kill her if he found her with him again, and that his father follows through on such threats. Undeterred, Shae starts undressing Tyrion, and asks him for a favor; to protect Sansa from Baelish. Tyrion says that he no longer has enough power or influence to attempt to do that, though Shae accuses him of being attracted to Sansa, which he cheerfully denies. It also comes out that Tyrion had sex with Ros back in the North, though Tyrion points out it was before he met Shae. They playfully bicker about it as they start having sex.

Afterwards, Tywin Lannister calls the first meeting of the small council since he arrived in the city, arriving early and has all of the council members called in at once. All of the seats are on one side of the table, as a non-verbal test to see how each of them reacts around him. Tyrion is the only one who even mildly stands up to Tywin's posturing, by not even trying to sit closest to Tywin: instead he takes a new chair and makes a point of noisily dragging it across the ground until it is positioned at the exact opposite end of the table from his father. It is announced that  Littlefinger will marry Lady Lysa Arryn. Tyrion points out that if Baelish departs for the Vale that leaves a vacancy on the small council, and Tywin reveals that he has appointed Tyrion as the new Master of Coin to replace him. While this may seem like giving Tyrion a position of relative power again, Tyrion quickly points out that he has no prior experience in finance. With backhanded compliments, Cersei makes it clear that this promotion is really intended to give him an opportunity to make mistakes he will be blamed for.

After the meeting, Tyrion, Podrick and Bronn drop by Littlefinger's office in his brothel, where he keeps his ledgers. Littlefinger says it was the safest place to keep such records, but Tyrion notes that his brothel hasn't been the safest place for bastards. Baelish says he hopes Tyrion does well in the position, as he owes him for securing the release of Ros (after Cersei arrested her, mistaking her for Shae) but Tyrion says it was just a misunderstanding. Later, Tyrion is reading through the financial records, and explains to Bronn that not all is as Baelish would like the court to think, informing that Littlefinger has been borrowing all of the crown’s money. Tyrion adds that the Iron Throne is heavily in debt, and Littlefinger procured enough money to balance the books every year by borrowing massive sums from foreign banks. In particular, much of their debt is owed to the Iron Bank of Braavos, the largest bank in the Free Cities. Tyrion warns Bronn that when debtors cannot repay their loans, the Iron Bank will then financially support rebellions plotted against them. Podrick returns from the brothel with the coin Tyrion had given him to pay the prostitutes. Tyrion is concerned that he lost heart and fled, but Pod innocently says he did "all sorts of things" with the prostitutes - they simply refused his offer of payment. Impressed that the women would provide their services for free, Tyrion and Bronn ask Podrick to explain in detail what transpired, so they can take "copious notes."

Days later, Tyrion meets with Lord Varys, who is in the middle of prying open a large crate. Tyrion asks him to help confirm who sent Ser Mandon to kill him during the battle. Varys assumes it was Cersei but he cannot confirm but uses this opportunity to finish a conversation they were having on the eve of the battle, in which Varys promised to reveal how he was castrated. Varys informs that he used to be a slave in a travelling troupe that passed through the  Free Cities, but once when he was in Myr he was sold to a sorcerer. The sorcerer gave him a potion that temporarily paralyzed him but could still experience the pain in his genitals getting cut off. The sorcerer needed his genitals for a spell and Varys has had recurring nightmares that when the sorcerer prayed a voice spoke to him from the flames. After the sorcerer threw him out into the street to die, Varys was determined to live, to spite the sorcerer, and one day exact revenge. Varys did whatever it took to claw his way up into a position of influence in the world and discovered that stealing men's secrets was far most profitable in his journey to the small council in King's Landing. As Varys finishes his tale, he finishes prying the last nail out of the crate and opens it. To Tyrion's astonishment, it contains an elderly sorcerer, the very same one that castrated Varys so many years ago. He is still alive but gagged, and was shipped to Varys in the crate. Using his own life as an example, Varys thus urges Tyrion to be patient, and his revenge will come to him in time. Varys then closes the crate, with the sorcerer still inside.

Some time later, Tyrion meets with Lady Olenna Tyrell to discuss the upcoming royal wedding between King Joffrey and her granddaughter Margaery Tyrell, which is shaping up to be an extravagant affair. Tyrion is concerned about the cost but Olenna points out that the Tyrells have done much to supply the city with soldiers and provisions to assist in the war effort. Olenna is bored to discuss financial matters, but quickly lists off specific details of the soldiers and supplies the Tyrells are supplying to aid the crown, demonstrating that Tyrion doesn't need to lecture her about wartime expenses. She insists that the royal wedding must go on as planned, as it will do much to improve the city's morale and keep the people happy, otherwise they will start blaming the Lannisters for the war again. Tyrion cannot outmaneuver Olenna, but in the end she decides on her own that she won't have it said House Tyrell isn't doing its part to help, so she agrees to pay for half the cost of the festivities, for which Tyrion is grateful.

Following his meeting with Olenna, Tyrion heads to Tywin’s chamber to report success to his father, only to find Cersei present as well, much to his annoyance. Tywin explains that the Tyrells are plotting to wed Sansa to Ser Loras Tyrell and states that he will not allow them to steal "the key to the north". With the news of Theon Grejoy’s betrayal of House Stark and the murder of their two young male heirs, Bran and Rickon, as well as Tywin believing Robb Stark’s days are numbered, this could leave Sansa as the heir to Winterfell and whomever she marries. He also notes that the Tyrells won't go through with their plan until after Joffrey's wedding, which means they need to act first, namely by finding Sansa another husband. After a moment, Tyrion realizes from the comments of his father and sister that they are talking about him. Tyrion tries to protest, pointing out Sansa's treatment by his family thus far but Tywin asserts he’s not concerned about the girl’s happiness. Tywin adds that Sansa is a far better reward than he could expect and it is long past time Tyrion was wed. When Tyrion mentions his former betrothal to Tysha, Tywin glares angrily and says he remembers all too well. Cersei gloats over the matter, but Tywin then commands that she will wed Ser Loras instead of Sansa. Cersei flatly refuses, but Tywin is insistent: the marriages of Cersei and Tyrion will place the North and the Reach firmly in the Lannisters' control.

Some days later, as Loras and Sansa discuss their impending nuptials, Tyrion and Cersei observe the couple from Cersei's chambers overlooking the garden. Tyrion sarcastically asks which of the four of them has it the worst. He then finally accuses his sister of trying to have him killed during the Battle of the Blackwater. Cersei, tired of fighting him, remains quiet while he deduces that while Cersei certainly has the authority to command a Kingsguard, she isn't stupid enough to command Ser Mandon Moore to kill him in public. Tyrion realizes that it was in fact Joffrey who ordered Mandon to kill him, because Tyrion is the only one who has ever stood up to the young king. Cersei tells him his life is not in danger from Joffrey, as he dare not try anything like that now that Tywin is the Hand. They discuss about Jaime's possible return to King's Landing, with Cersei wondering where he could possibly be. She asks Tyrion which one of them should be the one to break the news to Sansa. Tyrion decides he might as well dash Sansa's hopes sooner rather than later. He goes to Sansa's chamber, who is with his lover Shae. Tyrion asks for a private word, but Sansa declines to dismiss Shae. Tyrion then gives Shae a carefully coded apology for not telling her in private before breaking the news to Sansa.

Neither Tyrion or Sansa are particularly happy about their impending marriage. Some time later, in his chambers, Bronn points out to Tyrion that he can easily wed Sansa and get a son and heir from her to placate his father and keep having sex with Shae in private, thereby getting two women and a kingdom to rule for himself. However, Tyrion is concerned his mistress isn't going to be so willing to go along with that plan and is less than enthusiastic about having a wife, a mistress and the entire North despising him. Bronn points out that Tyrion is wasting his time trying to be universally loved. That evening, Tyrion's fears prove accurate when he visits a less-than-enthused Shae as he gifts her with a gold necklace. As she questions why golden chains Tyrion informs her that she could a ship with that necklace. An irritated Shae questions Tyrion as to why she would need to buy a ship and then asks him if she’s going somewhere she hasn’t been made aware of. When Tyrion insists that she isn’t going anywhere she quickly changes the subject to sarcastically enquire if she is invited to his wedding to Sansa. Tyrion asserts that while he did not ask for this arrangement it is his duty as a Lannister to fulfill, not desire. After a continued argument, Shae bluntly tells him that she will no longer sleep with him after he weds Sansa and asserts that, as Tyrion’s whore, once he is tired of fucking her she will be nothing.

Some time later, Tyrion speaks with Sansa in her chambers before their wedding in the Great Sept of Baelor. Though Tyrion knows the Stark girl is not thrilled at the prospect of marrying him, he nonetheless promises to Sansa that he will not mistreat her. Sansa politely insists there are worse Lannisters she could be wed to.

The ceremony is a grim affair; Joffrey smugly escorts Sansa to the altar in place of her father and petulantly removes the stool upon which Tyrion was to stand on to cloak Sansa in Lannister colors as part of the ceremony, eliciting snickers from the congregation, though the scowl of Lord Tywin quickly silences the court. Tyrion in the face of humiliation asks Sansa to kneel and he places the cloak around her shoulders. The new High Septon, who has replaced the Septon that was viciously killed during the riots, begins the ceremony.

That evening, Tyrion spends the wedding feast mostly by getting deeply drunk and making light of his father's insistence that his inebriated state will render him unfit to impregnate his wife. Tyrion, drunkenly proclaiming himself "the god of tits and wine," reminds his father that Tywin has long called him "a drunken little lust-filled beast," so doing his duty in the marriage bed will not pose a problem. At the same time, Joffrey himself is drinking too much wine, and losing what few inhibitions he has as his behavior becomes increasingly offensive to both Sansa and Tyrion. Against Cersei's ineffectual protests, Joffrey gets up and, flanked by his Kingsguard, taunts Sansa that she's still found a way to marry a Lannister. Joffrey then reflects that it doesn't matter which Lannister gets her pregnant, and openly says he might want to rape her after Tyrion is done with her, while the Kingsguard hold her down.

Joffrey then declares in front of the court that it is time for the bedding ceremony, which involves the men at the wedding stripping the bride and the women stripping the groom before carrying them off to the marriage bed. However, Tyrion angrily insists there will be no bedding ceremony. When Joffrey keeps pushing the matter, a furious Tyrion slams a dagger into the table and threatens that Joffrey will be “fucking his own bride with a wooden cock” if he doesn't drop his insistence. As the court stands in shocked silence, Joffrey seethes with outrage and Tyrion defiantly glares at his nephew with pure hatred. After a tense moment, Tywin defuses the situation by agreeing that there will be no ceremony, and placates Joffrey by claiming Tyrion's outburst is merely the result of his being extremely drunk. Taking the hint and using it as an excuse to avoid punishment, Tyrion visibly swallows his anger and begins to act far more drunk than he actually is, intentionally humiliating himself, and says he only made a bad joke. It isn't clear if anyone in the room, including Tywin or Joffrey, think that Tyrion's outburst was simply due to inebriation, but everyone plays along anyway to help the tension pass. Tyrion, while pretending to be so drunk he can barely stand, escorts Sansa to their bedchamber.

Once they are alone in their quarters, a tense moment passes as Sansa nervously and slowly undresses. Tyrion ultimately tells her to stop, deciding that he will not consummate the marriage if she does not want to, and only will if she changes her mind. When Sansa questions what he will do if she never does, Tyrion sarcastically jokes "And so my watch begins" - implying that his marriage will be celibate for all time like a brother of the Night's Watch - and then abruptly passes out on a nearby lounge. The following morning, Shae notices upon entering that Tyrion is awakening from the lounge and then, with a hint of a smile, observes that Sansa's bed sheets are not stained with blood, indicating that Tyrion's virgin bride is still a virgin.

Meanwhile, in King's Landing, Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark walk through the gardens. A pair of passing gentlemen snigger at Tyrion, either for his dwarf status or due to rumors he has not consummated his marriage. Sansa tells him to pay them no mind. Tyrion reminds Sansa that he's used to it, as he's always been a dwarf. He also states that he's not Joffrey, Tyrion would rather bide his time and humiliate them. Sansa playfully follows his line of thinking, and suggests "sheep-shifting"- secretly hiding sheep's dung deep within a mattress (as her younger sister Arya used to do to her), so that the target always wakes up smelling of dung. Tyrion is amused but is confused by the term, though he realizes belatedly that Sansa has misheard the word "shit". He is rescued from having to explain his wife's mistake by Podrick Payne, who calls him to a meeting of the small council in the Tower of the Hand.

In Tywin's chambers, Pycelle gives Tyrion a coded message from Lord Walder Frey informing that Robb and Catelyn Stark are both dead. Tyrion is visibly startled by the news but Joffrey gleefully states that he intends to serve Robb's head to Sansa at his wedding feast. None of the small council are able to mask how distasteful they find the concept as a deeply embarrassed Cersei insists that Joffrey was only joking. Tyrion flatly tells Joffrey that Sansa isn't his to torment anymore as Joffrey angrily proclaims that he is the king, and “everyone is his to torment.” Tywin counters that any man who has to remind his subjects that he is king, is no true king. An irate Joffrey insults his grandfather, deriding Tywin as a coward who hid under Casterly Rock while Joffrey's "father" King Robert won the real war that overthrew the Targaryens. Tywin coldly and calmly declares that the king is tired and advises Cersei to see him to bed. Tywin then dismisses the rest of the council, save Tyrion, who drily notes that the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms has been sent to bed without his supper. He confronts Tywin about his part in the Red Wedding, and deduces that his father must have orchestrated it, as Walder Frey is not brave enough to have carried it out on his own. The Hand blithely confirms this. Tyrion shows his distaste for Tywin's choice of a wedding as the place to inflict the slaughter, but Tywin responds, asking why killing ten thousand soldiers in battle is nobler than killing a dozen guests at a wedding. Tywin then informs that Roose Bolton is now Warden of the North until he impregnates Sansa, but Tyrion assures him that he won't do it. Tyrion then demands to know when Tywin ever put the family's interests above his own. Tywin retorts that he did exactly that on the day that Tyrion was born: he wanted to throw his newborn son into the sea, but instead he spared him and raised him as his son, because he is a Lannister. Immediately after leaving, Tyrion returns to his chambers and calls for Sansa, who regards him with a forlorn, tear-streaked face confirming that she is already informed of her family's devastating murders. Tyrion leaves the room, knowing that his sympathy would be rather cold comfort.

Later, Cersei visits Tyrion and informs him that she won't be marrying Ser Loras. She also advises him to give Sansa children, to which Tyrion responds by asking her how happy is she with her children. Cersei admits that if it wasn't for her children, she would've killed herself. She ponders how happy Joffrey used to be in his infant years and how much he brought such joy in her life at that time, and that neither Joffrey nor anyone else can take that away from her. Later on, their brother Jaime, who is now missing a hand, finally returns to King’s Landing. Jaime immediately makes his way to the Red Keep, where he immediately heads to Cersei’s chambers, who is fondly reminiscing over some personal belongings. When Jaime gains her attention, Cersei regards him with a confused look as she takes in his disheveled appearance and missing hand.

“I try to know as many people as I can. You never know which one you’ll need.”

— ‘Dark Wings, Dark Words

“I don’t pay you to put evil notions in my head. The ones already there don’t need company.”

— ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair

“I’m quite good at spending money but a lifetime of outrageous wealth hasn’t taught me much about managing it.”

— ‘Walk of Punishment

“A bad joke, your grace. Made out of envy of your own royal manhood. Mine is so small, my poor wife won’t even know I’m there.”

— ‘Second Sons

“Very well. She’s a lovely girl. Missing some of Loras’ favorite bits, but I’m sure they’ll make do.”

— ‘Kissed By Fire

“Oh… I’m a monster. Perhaps you should speak to me more softly, then. Monsters are dangerous and just now kings are dying like flies.”

— ‘Mhysa

 season four

Some months later, Tyrion is sent to welcome Prince Doran Martell to the capital. As he, Bronn and Podrick are expecting the Dornishman, they spot Martell bannermen coming their way. Tyrion greets them, but they inform him that Prince Doran's declining health prevents him from leaving Sunspear, and therefore he has sent his brother Prince Oberyn Martell to attend King Joffrey's wedding in his stead. They also explain that Oberyn went ahead and entered the city before dawn. Assigning the reception of the Dornish Lords to the City Watch, Tyrion informs Bronn that they should find Oberyn as soon as possible "before he kills somebody or several somebodies". Tyrion quickly puts together that he may be at one of the brothels. When Tyrion arrives, he finds Prince Oberyn stabbing a man's hand for singing “The Rains Of Castamere”, the infamous song of Westeros that is dedicated to House Lannister. He is then introduced to Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand, and asks Oberyn to talk in private. He asks him why he came to the capital and Oberyn tells him that he was invited to the royal wedding. Tyrion knows he's lying and asks for the honest truth. Oberyn remembers how Rhaegar Targaryen wed his sister  Elia Martell, and how his involvement with another woman, Lyanna Stark, started Robert's Rebellion. He tells Tyrion that the war ended with his father sacking the city while Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane, brutally murdered Elia's children, then raped and murdered her. He orders Tyrion to tell his father that he's here, and warns him that the Lannisters are not the only ones who pay their debts.

Afterwards, Tyrion visits a deeply depressed Sansa and tries to comfort her by telling her that her brother and mother were good people. In tears, she tells him the grueling details of how Robb and Catelyn died. Tyrion advises her to stay strong, as that is what her mother would want. Sansa leaves to go to the godswood and she tells Tyrion that she doesn't pray anymore, and instead goes because nobody is talking to her there. Distraught, Tyrion returns to his bedchamber, where his lover Shae is waiting for him. She tries to pleasure him but Tyrion refuses. Shae questions him if he's really in love with Sansa. Tyrion says that he doesn't and this time, Shae asks him if he wants her out of the city. After getting no answer, she storms out of his bedchamber, and it is revealed that one of Cersei's spies named Bernadette has heard the entire conversation.

Over a meal, Tyrion and his brother Jaime discuss Jaime's gilded steel hand, and he discloses to Tyrion that he can no longer fight, as all of his instincts are wrong using his left hand. Jaime is perturbed that people will find out that he cannot fight so Tyrion tells him that he needs to train with his left hand with someone trustworthy in order to better protect the king, as the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. He assigns Bronn to train with Jaime in secret. Afterwards, Tyrion meets with Varys before arriving to the pre-wedding breakfast for King Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell. Varys informs him of Cersei's spy and Cersei's consequent knowledge of Shae's presence, and warns him that Tywin will know shortly. Varys also warns him that he will not protect Tyrion or Shae against the former's father and sister out of regard for his own safety. At the breakfast, Tyrion observes Cersei's indication of Shae to her father as "the whore I told you about". Tywin subsequently requests that Shae be brought to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding. Tyrion then presents the groom a gift of a tome detailing the reigns of Daeron, the Young DragonBaelor the BlessedAegon the Unworthy and Daeron the Good. This is met with approval and gratitude from the King, much to Tyrion’s astonishment. That is until Joffrey is presented with a Valyrian steel sword by his grandfather Tywin, then he proceeds to demonstrate the blade's sharpness by destroying Tyrion’s gift with it.

After the breakfast, Tyrion meets with Shae in his quarters and shows uncharacteristic and confusing coldness towards her despite her gestures of affection. Terrified for her safety Tyrion terminates their "friendship" and informs her that she is to leave and go to live in Pentos, telling her that she must do so in order for him to uphold her marital vows to Sansa. She deduces that he is afraid of his sister and father and expresses her desire to fight them alongside him. As she draws closer, Tyrion yells at her, calling her a whore, and states her unfitness to bear his children, in contrast to Sansa. Bronn then arrives to escort the sobbing Shae to the docks, resulting in her slapping him and storming off, broken-hearted. As Bronn consoles Shae outside, he advises her to adapt to circumstances, as lowborns are always spat out once used.

Later that afternoon, Joffrey and Margaery's wedding ceremony takes place in the Great Sept of Baelor conducted by the High Septon and they are wed in front of gods and men. Afterwards, at the wedding feast, Tyrion asks Bronn if Shae is gone, who confirms that she boarded the ship. Bronn assures him that she is gone and no one knows about it except the two of them and Varys. King Joffrey then speaks to the court about contemplating history and out of a large golden lion, five dwarves ride out, representing Joffrey, Stannis Baratheon, Balon Greyjoy and the deceased kings Robb Stark and Renly Baratheon, each of the five kings in the War of the Five Kings. The dwarves put on a jousting performance littered with crude sexual acts. Joffrey and Cersei laugh at the spectacle as the larger part of the wedding party find it unsurprisingly distasteful. The Tyrells, however, as well as Varys, Prince Oberyn and Tyrion make little effort to hide their disgust. Ser Loras leaves in anger after watching the crude depiction of his deceased lover Renly riding a mount resembling himself, and Sansa looks on in obvious grief when the dwarf playing her brother Robb is killed after having his wolf's head knocked off. At the conclusion of the show, Joffrey suggests Tyrion fight the former's dwarf counterpart. Tyrion politely declines and sarcastically voices awe at Joffrey's skill and bravery at the Battle of the Blackwater, cautioning his nephew to be careful as the champion dwarf is "clearly mad with lust" and it would be a tragedy for the king to lose his virtue hours before his wedding night. This draws a few stifled chuckles from their guests. Enraged and humiliated that his uncle outwitted him in front of all his wedding guests, Joffrey petulantly pours wine over Tyrion's head and orders him to serve him wine as his cupbearer. He then instructs Tyrion to act as his cupbearer, before kicking the goblet under a table, forcing Tyrion to handle it several times. He finally orders him to kneel and Tyrion, obviously possessing no intention to do so, is saved by the arrival of the pigeon pie. Joffrey draws his new sword, cuts the pie, and several white doves fly out. Sansa and Tyrion attempt to leave the feast, while Margaery serves Joffrey a piece of pie. Joffrey commands Tyrion to serve him wine to wash down the pie. Tyrion hands the goblet to Joffrey and he quickly drinks all of it. Joffrey tries to speak, but begins coughing. He grabs his throat, and Margaery and Olenna exclaim that he is choking and needs help. Joffrey collapses face down and begins vomiting and convulsing and is visibly in excruciating pain. Jaime and Cersei rush in and turn Joffrey over on his back. Joffrey points an accusatory finger in Tyrion's direction, as he examines the wine goblet (though it is not made clear if Joffrey is accusing Tyrion or merely the wine). Joffrey's eyes turn red, blood runs from his nose, he stops convulsing, and dies in his mother’s arms. Cersei sobs with grief and orders the Kingsguard to seize Tyrion for the poisoning of her son. In the middle of the chaos, Dontos Hollard, a former knight turned court fool, suddenly approaches Sansa from behind and says she must come with him quickly, and she does as they then flee from the city together. Cersei quickly notices her disappearance and Tywin commands the Kingsguard to bar the city gates and seize any ships attempting to leave the capital.

Some days after Tyrion has been imprisoned, he receives a visit from Podrick who smuggles in some food and writing materials to help him get through prison life. He informs Tyrion of Sansa's disappearance from the capital. Tyrion assures Pod that Sansa had nothing to do with the murder. Just as Podrick leaves he turns around and tells Tyrion about a man whom he didn't know offering him a knighthood if he testified against Tyrion at the upcoming trial. Tyrion understands that it wasn't a suggestion, and soon enough, they'll threaten him with something worse. Tyrion advises Podrick to leave King's Landing, sending him off with a final farewell.

Some time later, through Bronn’s intervention, his brother Jaime comes to see Tyrion and tries to comfort him saying that he suffered much worse with the North. Jaime asks Tyrion if he did it and Tyrion says he would never kill his brother's son. Tyrion asks Jaime to set him free, but Jaime says he can't because of treason and says the trial will get to the truth. Tyrion knows that the trial doesn't matter: Cersei won't rest until Tyrion is dead. Jaime then goes on to him believing that Sansa had something to do with the murder, but Tyrion is again adamant that Sansa is innocent.

Some weeks later, Tyrion's trial begins with the newly-crowned King Tommen Baratheon recusing himself. Instead, a group of three judges are appointed to oversee the trial: Lord Tywin, Lord Mace Tyrell of the Reach, and Prince Oberyn. Cersei has several witnesses testify against Tyrion, such as Meryn Trant, Grand Maester Pycelle and even Lord Varys. They all give strong, yet circumstantial, evidence of Tyrion's guilt. He seems particularly hurt by Varys's betrayal, so much that he asks the spymaster aloud to the court whether he remembered what he had told him after the Battle of the Blackwater. Varys sadly tells Tyrion that he never forgets anything. After an hour's recess, Jaime comes to Tyrion and tells him that, when the verdict of guilty is pronounced, he must ask for mercy. Secretly, Jaime had made a deal with Tywin: in exchange for sparing Tyrion, Jaime will renounce his vows and return to Casterly Rock as Tywin's heir, while Tyrion will be sent to live out his days on the Wall with the Night's Watch. Tyrion points out that their father wanted this outcome all along. However, Cersei calls in her last witness: Shae. Her appearance astounds Tyrion as she testifies that he and Sansa planned Joffrey's murder together, claiming that Sansa wanted vengeance for the murder of her family. She tells the judges of Tyrion's sexual desires, embarrassing him in front of the crowd. Before she can continue, Tyrion, enraged beyond sense, angrily demands that he be allowed to confess his crimes. He angrily roars about how he saved King's Landing from Stannis Baratheon's forces and says he should have let Stannis kill everyone instead, much to the disgust of the people in the court. Tyrion then claims to be guilty as Tywin assumes that he is guilty for murdering Joffrey. Tyrion denies this, saying he is guilty of a "far more monstrous crime. I am guilty of being a dwarf!" Tywin scoffs at Tyrion's claims and says he is not on trial for being a dwarf. Tyrion angrily says he has been on trial for his entire life as a dwarf. Tywin asks if he has nothing to say in his defense. Tyrion then says he has nothing to say in his defense "but only this." He then reveals his true feelings about Joffrey, denying guilt in the king's murder but saying he wished to have killed Joffrey himself. Tyrion then turns his full fury towards Cersei and says that watching her "vicious bastard" of a son die gave him more relief than "a thousand lying whores." He then turns around to the court and roars that he wishes to have become the monster they thought he was and would have gladly give his life to watch everyone die from drinking poison. This enrages everyone in the court and Tywin orders Tyrion back to the dungeons. Before he can be escorted out, Tyrion bellows that he will not lose his life for a crime he did not commit and, knowing that he will get no justice from the court, demands a trial by combat. 

A few days following the trial, in his cell beneath the Red Keep, Tyrion and Jaime discuss Tyrion's fate. Jaime is angry with Tyrion for not seizing their father's offer of joining the Night's Watch, asserting that he’s thrown his life away. Tyrion replies that he couldn’t stand there listening to Shae's lies, then berates himself for being foolish enough for thinking she’d actually fallen in love with him. Tyrion points out that the deal made was everything Tywin wanted; with Jaime stepping down from the Kingsguard and returning as the heir of House Lannister. Meanwhile, leaving Tyrion with the Night’s Watch and out of the public eye, “at last.” Despite the current circumstance, Tyrion admits to Jaime that it felt good to take that option away from his father. They then discuss the irony of their father striking down both of his heirs if Jaime were to die being Tyrion's champion. However, Jaime then declines to be Tyrion's champion as he cannot fight well enough with his left hand.

Later that afternoon, Bronn arrives and is donning the clothes of a lord, with news that he is to marry Lollys Stokeworth, a noble daughter of House Stokeworth. The new match has been arranged by Cersei, essentially as a bribe to ensure Bronn doesn’t defend Tyrion as his champion. Bronn informs Tyrion that he will not fight Ser Gregor Clegane, whom Cersei has chosen for her champion, believing the Mountain to be too dangerous for him to face. He bids farewell to Tyrion as they share a final handshake. Tyrion expresses his understanding of the situation and they part on good terms. Afterwards, Tyrion is approached by Oberyn Martell, who informs Tyrion of his disappointment in their first encounter: as children. Oberyn and his sister Elia were told stories of the "Lannister Monster" and his extreme deformities. During a childhood visit to Casterly Rock and Cersei showed off Tyrion, with great ceremony. Oberyn tells Tyrion that he saw no monster, just a baby. Cersei had then told Oberyn that Tyrion killed her mother Joanna, and then cruelly assaulted Tyrion until their brother Jaime stopped her. Oberyn adds that he and Elia were quite disturbed at Cersei's already strong hatred toward Tyrion from such a young age. Tyrion’s eyes begin to tear as he has always been disturbed of Cersei’s hatred. Oberyn tells Tyrion that he seeks justice for the death of his sister Elia, and Tyrion replies, "You are in the wrong place." Oberyn counters that he is in the perfect place; all those he means to bring to justice for his sister's murder are close at hand. Intending to start his revenge with Gregor Clegane, Oberyn offers his service as Tyrion's champion in the coming trial by combat. With little hope until this point, Tyrion is overcome with a desperate gratitude.

Some days later, in the last hours before his trial by combat, Tyrion and Jaime share a final drink in Tyrion's cell. Tyrion ponders to Jaime the nature of a trial by combat; determining a man’s guilt or innocence in the eyes of the gods by having “two other men hack each other to pieces.” Tyrion surmises that this tells you something about the gods, insinuating their cruelty. Tyrion asks Jaime if he thinks  Oberyn stands a chance, but Jaime is not optimistic. He and Jaime then reminisce about Orson Lannister, their simple-minded cousin who spent his days smashing beetles with a rock. Tyrion tells Jaime of how he used to observe Orson day after day in an attempt to understand his motives, but in the end he was never able to come to reach any understanding. As the bells then ring to announce the trial, Jaime takes his leave, wishing his brother luck. Lannister guardsmen then escort the shackled Tyrion to the arena, where a large crowd has assembled. He grows apprehensive to find a helm-less Oberyn drinking, and wearing light armor – in comparison to Ser Gregor, clad from head to foot in heavy armor and wielding a greatsword. Oberyn dismisses Tyrion's concerns, noting that he always drinks before a fight and favors speed over protection. Grand Maester Pycelle steps into the arena and begins making a long-winded speech asking the gods to favor the innocent before Tywin cuts him short and begins the trial by combat. Oberyn, after impressing the crowd with a display of acrobatic spear maneuvers, goes on the attack, stabbing out at Gregor and constantly moving out of the knight's reach, forcing Gregor to tire himself out chasing his opponent. As he evades Gregor, Oberyn repeatedly taunts Gregor by constantly bringing up his part in the murder of his sister, Elia Martell, and her children, and demanding a confession, only enraging Clegane further. As the “Red Viper” starts winning, Tyrion exchanges a few hopeful looks with his brother and feels happy when Oberyn pins Ser Gregor to the ground with his spear, but his hopes are quickly shattered in the moment when the Mountain knocks Oberyn down and crushes his head, confessing his own war crimes and sealing Tyrion's fate. As Tyrion is struck with horror, Tywin states that the gods have made their will known and Tyrion is sentenced to death. As Tyrion stares in catatonic astonishment at Oberyn's skull-crushed corpse, Cersei smirks in vindication of his sentencing.

Some time later, Tyrion is surprised when Jaime frees him from his cell in the middle of the night and leads him through a secret passageway within the castle. He tells Tyrion that he will meet with Varys, who has arranged for him to escape to the Free Cities. The brothers warmly embrace, believing it will be the last time they see each other. Jaime leaves him with a familial kiss on the cheek. Instead of proceeding directly to his liaison, however, Tyrion first enters the chambers of his father. He finds a woman in his father's bed, and is shocked to discover that it is Shae, moaning Tywin's name and calling for her "lion," what she used to call Tyrion. When Shae spots him, she grabs a paring knife and tries to stab him. She fails to do so but slaps him and scratches at his face. They struggle, and Tyrion eventually strangles her with Tywin's gold chain she is wearing. The act is done both in self-defense and in jealous rage, and Tyrion is immediately distraught once he fully realizes what he has done. After apologizing to Shae's corpse, he takes Joffrey's crossbow and confronts his father while in his privy chamber. He forces his father to admit to his many wrongdoings against him. Tywin tries to placate Tyrion, saying he admires Tyrion's will to survive but when he refers to Shae as a "whore" once too often after having been warned not to do so on pain of death, Tyrion kills his shocked father with two bolts to the chest. He then proceeds to the chamber of Lord Varys, who stows him away within a crate upon a ship, also deciding to accompany him at the last moment. As the ship departs out of Blackwater Bay, Tyrion and Varys set sail across the Narrow Sea to start a new life.

“I would like to think, if I were arranging a royal assassination, I’d plan it in such a way that I wouldn’t be standing there gawking like a fool when the king died.”

— ‘Breaker of Chains

“I’ve got every kind of filth down here except the kind I like.”

— ‘Mockingbird

“I’m guilty of a far more monstrous crime. I’m guilty of being a dwarf. Oh, yes I am. I’ve been on trial for that my entire life.”

— ‘The Laws of Gods and Men

“Wine always helps. I thank you for it.”

— ‘The Mountain and the Viper

“I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you, I would gladly give my life to watch you all swallow it! … I will not give my life for Joffrey’s murder and I know I’ll get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate. I demand a trial by combat.”

— ‘The Laws of Gods and Men

“I am your son. I have always been your son.”

— ‘The Children